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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Homo Faber ala Gorey (11)

A is for Algernon makin' amends.
Barb's makin' bail for her flutter-prone friends.
Chet's makin' coffee: five sugars, two creams.
Doris makes do, although just in her dreams.
Ed makes the effort; Ed’s makin' ends meet.
Fred makes no friends makin' fuss in the street.
Gordon makes good: Gordo’s makin' the grade.
Hannah makes haste. Amscray, girl! It’s a raid!
I’s for Ignatius; Ig makes it look simple.
Job makes a joke, in his polka dot wimple.
Kimball makes kaka for Kitty, his sitter.
Lulu makes love; she’s borne many a litter.
Matt makes the most of his bein' an elf.
Nell's makin' nowt but a name for herself.
Ozzy makes off with your purse; Oz makes out.
Pat's makin' pastry – puff pastry, no doubt.
Queenie made quite a display Friday night.
Rick’s made it clear: his two wrongs make a right.
Sinead makes me sick makin' sausage from offal.
Teddy makes trouble; Ted’s awf’lly unlawful.
Ursula’s made up her mind once for all.
Vincent, as ump, makes a very bad call.
Will's makin' waves making whoopee offshore.
Xaviera makes ‘xtra. (Men always want more.)
Yan makes me crazy, though's often my hero.
Zorba subtracts one from one, makin' zero.

Drumpf's Base! (11)

One hears of Drumpf’s base
all over the place.
They hold views which Fake News
keeps reprisin.’
Are they call’d ‘base’ for cause…?
Do they scoff at our laws…?
Are they classified ‘base’
for some reason…?
Are they viciously vile…?
Are they so infantile
as to run over foes
with their cars…?
Do they swastikas scrawl
on each synagogue wall…?
Do they worship the stars 
and the bars…?
Are they I.Q. impair’d…?
Don’t they know Drumpf is merde…?
Why’d they stomp on stuff
formerly cherish’d…?
If they think all’s a plot
and they don’t get their shot,
will they die, nor know why
their lot perish’d…?

Oy, Vay!: Even Mo' Moes (11)

Moe “Nichola” Winn-Skee, 
     the Jewish Crossdressing Congressional Aide
Moe O’Loess, 
     the Irish-Israeli Estimator
Moe P. Moode, 
     the Jewish Depressive
Moe Pedd, 
     the Jewish Recreational Cyclist
Moe Q. Mentry, 
     the Jewish Satirist/Filmmaker
Morrie Ayrty,
     the Jewish Napoleon of Crime  
Morrie Tott,
     the Jewish Funeral Music Arranger
Moe Rass, 
     the Jewish Crisis Management Executive
Moe "Rat" O'Reeyum, 
     the Jewish Economist
Moe "Ray" Yeel, 
     the Jewish Oceanographer
Moe Ronique, 
     the Jewish Phrenologist
Moe "Ray" Knee, 
     the Jewish Transvestite Blues Singer

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...