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Monday, December 11, 2023

Dilemma: A Decad of Provocative Similarities

               Orange Julius                                Orange Jesus

1. Born in a fresh fruit juice stand,      1. Born in a hospital nursery,
Los Angeles, CA, 1926.                       Queens, NY, 1946.          

2. Partly named for roamin' Jewish      2. Partly named for treasonous 
cigar-store owner from Butte, MT.        Jew done in by Roman brutes. 

3. In later years, often pair'd with       3. For years, always seen   
chocolate pastries from Dunkin.'          dunkin' Big Macs in diet Cokes.
4. Uses base of vanilla mixed with       4. Abuses male bachelor base
batches of egg whites.                        advocating white supremacy.

5. Contains no alcohol.                       5. Disdains alcoholic brother.

6. From original stand, distributes       6. Favors bleach injection for 
medicinal tonics and Bible tracts.         COVIDdoesn't own a Bible.

7. In 1967, sold off to International     7. For 67 years uses layers of
House of Pancakes.                            carrot-hued pancake makeup.

8. Claims in adverts, "I'm not              8. Tells perverts, "I am your  
just your vitamin C solution."              justice; I am your retribution."

9. On top is piled a frothy shock          9. On his toupe he heaps a 
of golden spindrift.                             pile of shocking gold spindrift.

10. His century of persistence ends     10. His uncensored existence  
up a great example of adhocracy.        ushers in end of democracy. 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...