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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

"Said Aramis: 'Porthos! I'm so-o-o--o piss'd at Athos..." Three's a Crowd or Treble Means Trouble (in "Pair"adise): A Constrained Nonsense Alphabet in Terza Rima

Said Aramis: “Porthos! I’m so-o-o-o piss’d at Athos.
He’s pilfered my purple penache, for Pete’s sake.
I just multiply ‘p’s; Athos bathes in feigned bathos.

Said Adam to Eve: “Don’t go b’lieving that snake.
We both know you can’t trust tales some serpent, some asp or
some reptil’an tells. Nope: that rascal’s a rake!” 

Said Balthazar: “Melchior! Steer clear of Caspar!
The bloke’s gifting gold to some boychik. You know
ev’ry bloke gifting gold the gods label a jasper.”

Said Curly to Larry: “Show no love to Mo.
He’s intrusive and crude. He’s abusive and rude.
A good poke is okay. As for hugs, just say ‘No!’”

Said Donny to Walter, “I’m drugged with The Dude.
He’s wasted on weed. Dude abides…in a trance.
If he’s late for the tournament, tell him, ‘Get screw’d!’”

Said Evers to Tinker, “Chance hasn’t a chance.
Moving Frank from home plate to first base? Seelee’s folly.
Such switcharoos often seem great…at first glance

Said Frances to Kukla, “I fear for our Ollie.
He plans to sing backup (perhaps I’m too picky)
for Penniman singing ‘Good Golly, Miss Molly.’”

Said Goofy to Donald, “I’m sick of young Mickey.
That rodent’s robustless. That murine lacks mettle.
‘…ridiculus mus.’ (In a word, Mickey’s icky.)”

Said Hansel, chastising the Witch, “Getting Gretel
to chug gin with gingerbread – thanks: I’m full up –
has now ravaged her face and deflated her fettle.”

Said Ignatz to Krazy, “With Offisa Pup.
I’ve an off/on relationship. Pupp’s quite contrary."
On weekdays. Come week’s end. Pupp’s quick to bark ‘Yup!’” 

Said Jesus to Joseph, “Tell Momma (nee Mary):
Jews calling her ‘Mrs.’ or ‘Miss’ are in error.
She’s neither. She’s both. And I’m slap-happy – very!” 

Said Kate, “Fed up, Jaclyn. I’m fed up with Farrah.
Those hanks of hair flip ever thither and yon –
“fara” less “ the athletic one” – more the chimera.”

Said Leia to Luke, “Cast your eyes upon Han?
Since the Force has deserted him, so has the Knack.
Mr. Solo’s no Gable. Han’s not my Don Juan.”

Said Many to Mo, “He’s a madman, our Jack,
selling gear shifts for Fords – automatic and stick –
telling customers, “Should they not work, bring ‘em back.’”

Said Nora to Asta, “Who’s pickled? It’s Nick.
(Though, when asked, he insists, ‘I’m not ‘sotted, just sleepy…
and epigrammatic…’) In fact, Nick’s just thick. 

Said Olive to Popeye, “I’m sick about Swee’Pea.
Both you and I walk. She does nothing but crawl.
While your arms appear weird, Swee’Pea’s crawling’s just creepy.”

Said Peter to Mary, “Appalling! That’s Paul.
Though he’s cracked my guitar, I’ve heard no ‘culpa mea.
(A Martin? A Cort? I no longer recall.)

Said Quixote to Sancho, “I’ve dumped Dulcinea.
Her manner’s too manly. Her upper lip’s hairy.
She’s tinted that hair using tar from La Brea.”

Said Ron to Hermione, “How d’you bear Harry?
He keeps casting spells though I’ve begged him to stop.
What was once my pet gerbil is now a canary.” 

Said Snap to young Crackle, “I’m hopping mad! Pop’s
added chalk to the Krispies. (He’s also poured lime in.)
Here! Hold the cad down while I summon some cops.”

Said Theodore, “A-a-a-a-alvin! So simple is Simon!
While we’re far from fat, he insists, ‘I’m the thinnest’ – er-
roneous, surely…but back to my rhymin’.”

Said Underdog, “Cad! Tell mad Simon Bar sinister:
‘Cast from your eye that malevolent glint!’
(If he’ll not, I’ll be forced my quick fix to administer.)” 

Said Vic to young Bullets, “I’m bummed out by Clint.
He’s become the most overweight whale in our pod.
Why he’s packed on that heft I’m bereft of a hint.”

Said Wynkin to Blynkin, “He’s nasty, is Nod.
See that shoe he suggests for our sailing? So scruffy
Plus, going with Nod’s plan will leave me ill shod.”

Said Xander to Willow, “I can’t believe Buffy.
Does vanquishing vampires take more than a minim?
I tell her it can’t, but the girl gets all huffy.”

Said a Yahoo to Lemuel, “Why won’t that Houyhnhnm
desist with his wash tub and ironing board?
Tell him cease and desist or I’ll tackle ‘n’ skin him.”

Said Zaphod to Arthur, “I’m fed up with Ford.
He would none of the galaxy leave unexp-_____.*
Can it be his tank’s empty of rhymes?” Zaphod roared. 
     * -loited, -loded, -osed, -anded, -edited, -ressed, 
-lained, -erienced, -unged…

"A initials 'alter ego': mon ami y mi amigo..." AABBCC or Twinn'd Twins: A Constrained Nonsense Alphabet in Rhyme

A initials 'alter ego': mon ami y mi amigo.
A starts, too, 'another you' who’s got your bubbe’s eyebrows, nu...?

B initials 'body double': takes the heat in times of trouble.
B, as well, starts 'blizniak.'* (Too late to send that brother back.
  * Polish for ‘twin.’

C initials 'corollary.' One’s okay, but two's quite scary.
C, as well, initials 'clone.' (How nice to know one’s not alone!)

D initials 'dvyniai.'* (The elder’s straight; the younger’s bi-.)
D, as well, starts 'dopplegang.' That’s twice – at least! – the postman rang.
     * Lithuanian for 'twin.'

E starts 'extra pair of hands.' He goes to bat. He understands.
E, as well, starts 'evil twin.' Take care! ‘Sno telling where she’s been.

F initials 'faithful friend,' one’s kemo sabe. Hands he’ll lend.
F starts, in addition, 'fetch.'* Which kid’s the khaver, which the kvetch?

G initials 'gemini.' (One pair I know’s called Clem ‘n’ Cy.)
G, as well, starts 'gimoozaabi.'* (Etymology’s my hobby.)
      * Ojibwe and Potawatomi for “he/she looks out in secret.” 
A version of the word was made famous as part of the Lone Ranger saga.

H initials 'hologram.' Both boys; both bald. (One sports a tam.)
H initials 'Hortons.'* Tom (with Addie)? Famous soaps phenom.
        * Twins, one of whom appears on soap opera "Days of Our Lives"

I starts 'ihmiskaksoset.'* a pickle to pronounce? You bet
I intials 'Ito teens.'** Of Nippon Pop they're former queens.
     * Footnotes here and below to come: a work in progress)

J initiates 'jumeau.'* (Have I the accent right? Who’d know!)
J begins 'Johansson,' too. Young Hunter’s Scarlett’s twin. (Who knew?)

K initiates 'karoha,'* twin in Samar (not Samoa).
K, as well, kicks off 'kembar,'** heard mispronounced on NPR.

L initials 'lookalike.' (Is not Tot Two the cuter tyke?)
L, as well, initials 'likeness' – equal parts sauvage and "tyke"ness.

M initials 'mirror image.' Each exchange with him’s a scrimmage.
M, as well, starts 'matching set.' Brings meanings new to ‘tete-a-tete.’

N initials ‘nother self.' Each crows, “My bro’s a freakin' elf.”
N, as well, starts 'Norvo girls.' (That ‘s Mim and Liv to you, you churls.)

O initials 'opp’site number.' One be dumb and Two be dumber.
O, as well, starts 'Olsen twins.' Much like the Norvos, for their sins.

P initiates 'pretender.' One’s of unspecific gender.
P, as well, starts 'Polish* pair.' These twins make films. (Pretend you care.)

Q initiates 'quintuplet.' Paired’s a triplet with a couplet.
Q initials Brothers 'Quay.' They’re into film and puppet play.

R begins 'reciprocal.' One sib is hip; one sib is dull.
R, as well, begins 'reflection.' Viva natural selection!

S initials 'symbiant.'* (Can you name ev’ry Dax? I can’t)
S, as well, starts 'surrogate.' Resemblances seem clear…somewhat.

T initials 'Tweedle brothers': selfsame father; diff'rent mothers.
T starts 'twin' as well as 'tvilling': flesh and spirit both unwilling.

U initials 'Ubermensch,' the better self (in Deutsch, not French).
U, as well, starts 'ut’rine double.' Both survive…within a bubble.

V starts 'verisimilar' – not fine when Heinrich Himmilar.
V, as well, starts 'vardøger.' To play the twin’s been hard on ‘er.

W starts 'Wetherbee.' He’s Tony’s twin. A wether, he.
W starts 'wulawa.'** Both simulacra drool, a flaw.

X starts 'xystos.' X starts 'xyst.' They’re language doublets. (Don’t be pissed.)
X, as well, starts 'Xerox copy.' (She’s so slick. Why’s he so sloppy?)

Y initials 'Young.' One's Will.* Twin Rupert fills this double bill.
Y initials 'yokalogue.' This pair’s enough to choke a blog.

Z? That letter kickstarts 'zwilling' (two’s okay, though three prove chilling)
and 'Zikarsky' (Bjorn und Bengt*). Enough with twins. My vision’s spent.

"Steve Colbert and Dumas pere engage in trading zingers..." Twins at War: A Constrained Nonsense in Rhyme

     [Stephen Colbert and Alexandre Dumas, pere] 

Steve Colbert and Dumas, pere engage in trading zingers.
While pere resorts to spare retorts, Steve launches missiles -- stingers!

     [Neil deGrasse Tyson and Michael Eric Dyson] 

DeGrasse the Ty- and Michael Dy-: this pair of bre’rs fell out.
While Dyson preach’d, deGrasse Ty- teach’d what space be all about.

     [Jesus of Nazareth and John the Baptist] 

Jesus caps St. John de Bap’s unsavory behavior.
Result...? De Bap's "The Art of Raps," while Christus kills in "Savior."

"Fingers fly yet fale to function: typists tipe a typo..." Typos Common and Uncommon: A Constrained Nonsens in Rhyme

Fingers fly yet fale to function: 
typists type a typo.
Vision’s fownd at fawlt? Keen readers 
spot the optick t”eye”po.
Scribbling Holie Skribcher, thou art 
subject to the “thy”po.
Czeching lysts of bodie partz, one 
can't avoid the “thigh”po.
Reporters for the Bankok Post mae 
cum akross the “Thai”po.
Each habberdahscher's copyriter 
mite kommit the “tie”po.
Sashimi menyus ‘rownd Sendai kon-
tane at leest one “tai”po.
And speeking “lyke a pyrut-king re-
sults in one's t”aye-aye!”po.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...