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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Uly Does Theodor* Does Lewis**: More Poetical "Snark" Takes

     * Theodor Geisel aka Dr. Seuss, creator of "Green Eggs and Ham"

     ** Lewis Carroll, composer of "The Hunting of the Snark"

     Fit the Third: The Baker’s Tale

The ordinary Snark I like.

I like it when it's open mic.

I like it when it sings its song.

I like it when it sings it wrong.


The Snark turn’d Boojum I dislike.

(I much prefer the northern pike.)

No Boojum’d Snarks book'd 'board the Ark.

I do not like that Boojum’d Snark.


The customary Snark I like.

I like it like I once liked Ike.

I like its back. I like its front.

I like it ‘cuz it’s fun to hunt.


The Snark cum Boojum I can’t stand.

You'll spot few Snarks in Wonderland.

Snark’s claws will clutch, as well Snark's jaw’ll.

I Boojum’d Snarks don't all.

Uly* Does Allan** Does Lewis***: Another Poetical Take on "Snark"

      * Ulysses Poe, author of Radon and/or Drano and other books of nonsense 

     ** Allan Odell, great-grandson of the founder of Burma Shave

     *** Lewis Carroll, composer of "The Hunting of the Snark"

Musician! Grab,

     Before it’s dark,

          Your tuba, for*

               To clock the Snark!

                    * Your two-by-four


                In Myanmar,

          Rohingyas rave,

     “Don’t lather me

With Burma Shave!”



     Who’d sheckles save

          From barbers beg

               “A perm! A shave!”


               All Boojum’d Snarks

          Must misbehave.

     Thus fade all Bakers.

(Burma Shave!)

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...