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Monday, October 26, 2020

"Quatrain For Queneau": An Anagram Poem on 'Raymond Queneau' (from "Exercises in Style: The Poetic Supplement," Number 264)

     The second half of line one along with each of the 
six subsequent half lines of the quatrain are anagrams of 
the first half of line one -- i.e., of 'Raymond Queneau.'
Additionally, as proper quatrains should consist of a pair 
of rhyming couplets, "Q For Q" follows that prescription
with what can be seen as faux eye rhymes -- 'drum' and
'(quo)rum' and '(Mon)day' and 'quay,' though 'quay' is
properly pronounced 'kee,' thus the faux eye rhyme 

Raymond Queneau, 
ye neon aqua drum.
Damn! You 'n' a queer 
need a -- any! -- quorum.
O Ray! Manque (nude) 
ran queue Monday.
Mary, Queen o' Duna: 
Mud...? Ne'er on a quay!

A Pantoum on Queneau's "Exercises in Style" (from "Exercise in Style: The Poetic Supplement," Number 265)

'Tis mid-day rush. I board an S-line bus.
I'm standing on the platform at the back.
A long-neck'd cove of 26 complains:
"Commuters! Must you deal my shins a thwack...?"

I'm standing on the platform at the back.
Monsieur Le Plaindre sports a silly hat.
"Commuters! Must you deal my shins a thwack...?"
Some string sits where his hat band should be at.

Monsieur Le Plaindre sports a silly hat.
His neck's too long; his tone's a sniv'lling drone.
Some string sits where his hat band should be at.
I spot him later; he is not alone.

His neck's too long; his tone's a sniv'lling drone.
A vacant seat...? He makes himself at home.
I spot him later; he is not alone.
He's in discussion, near the Cour de Rome.

A vacant seat...? He makes himself at home.
Then he's away. 'Cross town he must have raced.
He's in discussion near the Cour de Rome:
"That button on your coat's so poorly placed."

Runcibl'd Spooners: Comes the Dawn + Chums o' Don

Comic Brit --
one fa-a-ar from poorest:
Dawn French.
Bambi tinkles in the forest:
Fawn drench.
Antic goon...?
Meet antler'd 'toon.

It's taken some* 'til '20 
to acknowledge: 
Black Lives Matter!
McConnell...? He's Life's 
kidney, life's urethra... 
Mac...? Life's bladder.
Life's a Mitch.

     * J. Kushner and D. Drumpf 
not among them.


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...