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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

May The Monster...? Six Wishes For The Future Made Partially In The Form Of An Eye Rhyme

May the Monster Ball Tour’s Lady Gaga
mime Macbeth, Act II: “Is this a dagga…?”!
May Mick (Rolling Stone) Jagger, a jogga,
water cacti, some barr'l-shaped Bisnaga!
May Husseini (the Khan we call Agha)
grow organic’lly (Groan!) rutabaga!
May no frat boys spill Heineken Laga
at no Nu Pi fraternity kegga!
May an Abhogi Kanada raga
be sitar'd during rallies named MAGA!
May this hagiographical saga
magnify Aloysius Gonzaga!

Sestina Destiny: Uly's To'n'frolaly On 'What Next...?'

     A wolaly is a Poe-own'd poetic device, one deploying the elements of a word ladder in numerical order as final words in the lines of a stanza in numerical order. A to'n'frolaly is a longer version of the same form, one which deploys those elements first in forward order then in reverse order. In a to'n'frolaly, the last word of the first line is identical to the last word of the final line. It's a "there and back again" sorta deal.

"What's real...? Compared to what...?
(D'you think we need to chat...?
Says I, 'Good luck with that!
Our tête-à-tête's no teat.
Let's sip our spirits neat
while wondering, "What's next...?"')"

I penn'd one six-line text
while furbishing my tent.
When finish'd, 'twill be sent
back home to take its seat
near 'toons where sour souls spat,
nigh toilets where they shat.

Kept real...? Compared to what...?


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...