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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Seussaurian Surrogates (Past)

     If The Cat’s in The Hat, where's 
The Beaver in The Bevor…? And what about 
The Coelacanth in The Theal-thkin Panths...?
The Asses in Glasses. The Ants in The Pants.
The Ape in The Cape. (His mate's looking askance.)
(How’s The Albatross dress’d…? In The Alb, I’d have guess’d.
And The Airedale in Chain Mail.) But what’s with the rest…?
The Bison with Ties On. The Boar in Ralph Lauren.
The Bull in The Woolen -- domestic, nor foreign.
The Bluejays in PJs. The Brood Mare in Mohair.
The Boxers…? In Boxers!! (The Beach’d Whale in Beachwear.)
The Cock in The Frock. The Curs in The Furs.
The Cockers in Dockers. (My Sturgeon's in Spurs.)
The Cooties in Booties. The Collie cum Brolly.
(Well-known's that The Cobra wears No Bra, by golly!)

The Caribous in The Sensible Shoes.
The Caterpillar in The Nicole Miller.

The Capybaras in The Tiaras.
The Capuchin in The Lambskin.
The Ducks in The Chucks. The Doe…? The Chapeau.
The Dugongs...? The Sarongs – de rigueur
, don’cha know.

The Eels in The Heels. The Ewe in J. Crew.
(The Elands in off brands not seen hitherto.)

The Fox in The Socks. The Flea in The T.
(The Flies in disguise -- their lot mystifies me.)

The Goat in The Coat. The Geese in The Fleece.
The Gnus in The Shoes. (They wear one shoe apiece.)

The Gazelle in Chanel. The Gophers in Loafers.
The 'Gators in Waders. (The Ganders...? "Suspanders"!)

The Heron in Karan. The Hare...? Wash-'n'-Wear.
The Housefly in Tie-Dye. The Hippo in Drip-Dry.

     I J 
Irish Setters in Sweaters -- most V-necks in grey.
The Ibex in Wide Checks. The Jay...? The Beret.

The Kittens in Mittens. The Kites in The Tights.
The Kippers in Slippers, which furor ignites.

The Louse in The Blouse. The Lambs in The Tams.
The Lark in The Parka. The Llamas...? Pajams!

The Lone Lioness in The Permanent Press.
(The Leggings of Lemmings lack peggings and hemmings.)

The Mouse in The Blouse. The Macaw in The Straw. 
The Mules...? In The Mules!! (It's an unwritten law.)

The Marmosets in The Farmerettes.
The Malamute in The Seersucker Suit.

     M N O
The Moose...? The Bunoose. The Newts in The Boots.
The Orang in The Wang. The Okapi...? Serape.

The Pythons...? The Nylons. The Pitbull...? The Knit Wool.
The Polar Bears in The Mousequetaires.

The Porcupine in The Calvin Klein.
The Phalarope in The Challis Cope.

The Pumas...? The Bloomers. The Pooch in the Gucci.
The Parakeets in The Bamboo Sheets.

     Q R
The Quail in The Mail. The Rats in The Spats.
The Rabbits...? The Sabots. The Roc in The Jock.

The Spitz in The Mitts. The Skink in The Mink.
The Smelt in The Belt. The Skunks in The Trunks.

The Shrew in The Muumuu. The Sparrow...? Sombrero.
The She-goat...? The Pea Coat. The Shad in The Plaid.

     T U V
The Turtle...? The Girdle. The Titmouse...? The Knit Blouse.
The Uakari...? The Sari. The Vole in The Stole.

     W X Y Z
The Whale in The Veil. The Xerus...? Tweeds (Harris).
The Yak in The Mac. The Zorse...? Nude, of course. 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...