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Monday, October 7, 2019


At night, cliches drawn through the day 
I deign to frame another way -- 
e.g., "To be or not to be...?" 
becomes "Is suicide for me...?"
"A jug of wine, a loaf of bread..." 
I hear as "Rye...on rye!" instead. 

At night, the lines I’ve run across 
I recompose with no great loss.
What reads "A stitch in time saves nine" 
now reads, "That tatter'd sleeve…? Not mine!"
"It was a dark and stormy night" 
becomes "The weather suck'd. Alright...?" 

At night, I rewrite news (today's) 
in nuanc’d, neat and novel ways --
now "Climate change is here to stay" 
reads "Hey! How hot it feels today!"
What was "I'm Socially Secure!" 
is now "Quit working…? Premature!" 

At night, the tales I heard when young 
sound different, like a foreign tongue.
Now, "Once upon a time there was..." 
is "That can't happen here because'..."
while "ever after" has become 
"your sell-by date's expir’d, ol’ chum."

Rhymes with 'Fourth'

Pascal et. al. (no others…?) shall not perish from the earth
till men, with mirth, head north to Firth o’ Forth (or Forth o’ Firth),
till men of girth and noble birth, set sail and sally forth…
[Next adding I’m one visu’l rhyme: not ‘fourth’ but, rather, ‘worth.’]

Rhymes with "Tom O'Nimble, Homonymbol"

'A,' blinkin'...
ape-link kin...
hey, Blynkin...?
what must a linguist like Chomsky be thinkin'...? 
    * Partner in Wynkin/Nod & Associates
'B' levers...
Bea'll leave hers...
Beale! Heave furs! 
issues unbroach'd by Ricardos* or Cleavers...?** 
    * Ricky & Lucy  ** Ward & June

     ...sees the
Sargasso Sea...
seize cigar gas, hose 'C'! 
     (Both would 
go unremark'd, were things left up to me.)

comma'd 'D,'...
calm Midi...
Colm...? Meet Dhee!
Each you've examin'd, though few do you see.

a treed 'E'...
Hut Tree Tea...
Hud, 3-D! 
telligent...? Nope. Apropos...? Yes, indeedy...!

the stoned 'F'...
the stone Nef*...
thus toned, eff-______...  
messages, Hugh...? Why has nobody phoned, Hef...?)
     * The famous Nefertiti limestone bust

the 'G' gnome...
the Jean Home...
thug Gene Holme…
exiles! For decades they've not even seen home...

holed 'H'...
hold, Daitche! 
Whole day...? Je-_____...
savant a jester; each joker a sage...

ice axe...
the 'I' sax...
the eye's sacks...
thee, I, zacs... 
software she -- not once, not twice, but three times -- hacks...!

a 'J' louse...
Hudge, eh...? (Louse!) 
embers one must with one's firefighter's pail douse...

antique 'K'...
an' teak...? Hey! 
And: decay...
     As do 
Marlowe and Huxley, we note antic hay...

     ...a mo-
a moat...? Hell! 
'la mode 'L'...
amo d'El _____...
tale will to Curly and Larry Mo tell...?

dyad 'M'...
"Die, Haddem!"
Each brings one luck. (Have no truck with no triad 'M'...)
hold: 'N'! 
Bea, holdin'...
bee hole/den...
be whole, Den! 
homonym'd phrases (that third one is golden)...

     ...billed: the 
Sky Pilot 'O'...
build the Skype pile o' dough...
cats in pajamas scat, "Voh-dee-oh-doh...!"

for can o' 'P's...
fork Kanna peas...
for Kahn: hope, peace...
can a man from Pakistan you cannot stand -- but can appease...?

"I'll hike 'Q'"...
the jai alai queue...
the aisle I cue...
thee "Heil," Ike...You!! 
I, like you, don't like haiku, although -- no lie! -- I'd (sigh) like to...

hard Hardy 'R'...
the heart-hearty "Arrr-r-r-r-r-r-rrr...!" 
heart ER's hard at work...? Har-dee-har-har...

morning recess 
as Cher's mourning Reese Hess! 
     (De ré-
sistance…? She's futile -- 
oui, even pièces…) 

dude...? 'T' galls...
due: Tea (Gauls'...?)...
dew'd teak halls... 
     These be 
homonyms rude -- but not too rude...Ee-ee-ee-eek! (Balls!) 

      ...Isle of 
I'll off Hugh...
Eyloff Ewe...
"Heil!" (a few)... 
     I love 
you...? Best to use these three: 'aisle,' 'huff' 'n' 'hue...'

lo, VIPS...
Hell: 'O'/'V' eyepiece... 
     Ring the 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police...!

dub Bull "Hugh"...
double hue... 
     Fooled us 
twice, Dubya, did. (Was it much trouble to...?)

Second Sex...
the second's 'X'...
thus Hec conn'd Dex...
the secant's hex... 
dueler's Burr: my cousin dates his second ex. (His second's Tex...) 

why not...?...
thou whine, Ott...
the 'Y' knot...
the Wynotte. 
homonym...? You choose. (Just don't serve the wine hot...)

a Z bra...
I seep -- rah! 
bove, so below. (Just don't go with no libra!)

Roads to Perdition

Tourists trav’lling through LA
drive turnpikes trimm’d in gilt ‘n’ tinsel,
Caddies pink will match each mink,
as limos' pairs of out-sized fins’ll.

Washington, D.C., 
avenue you see…
freshly paved in macaddams of money,
     is, in 
fact, baksheesh that’s blacken’d, 
in, by PACs, on pachs and 
     stack’d in 
sacks (knap-, haver-, ruck-, sling-, fanny-, gunny-).

They’ve main drags in Miami
paved in powder, gloss, mascara,
breast enhancements, hair extensions, cell-…
Oh, well: que sera sera.

Most major Motown miles
one drives not over tiles
but gobs of cobblestones of obsolescence.
The lessons thereby taught
(or so I’ve always thought)
are: Roads Be Earned. (But have they learn'd those lessons…?)

The streets of San Francisco
(we’re not to call it ‘Frisco’)
are paved in waves of multi-colored mufti.
I cannot tell a lie:
they’re fashion’d either by…
Edward Tufte -- or that magic dragon Puff de.

Vias in the Vatican
are paved in male machismos.
Cease, priests! Please sheath beneath your briefs
your busy little gizmos!


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...