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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Bananagram on 'Machine' Using 60 Seed Words (A Nonsense Rhyme)

The Bananagram, a poetic form of the author’s invention, is an elaboration upon a single word, the so-called spring word, which functions as a partial, near- or quasi anagram in that numbers of smaller words can be composed using one or more of its letters. These single words, so-called sub-words or seed words, are then used as end rhymes in an extended poetic composition, the final word of which is the spring word. 

Though he claimed, “I’m descended from Ham,”
while he conquered and saw and then came,
he’s descended from Eve, like I am.
Still, I fear I’ve forgotten his name.

Next, he chanted, “I’m Cuban, like Che.
And you’re right: I’m a knight who says “Ni.”
(I suspect the guy’s gay, or is ex-CIA
on a visit -- or is it just me?)

When he crowed, “I’m a beau of your ma’s.
We two met when we tour’d Viet Nam,”
contradict him did Ma – with her vim and her “Nah!”s
"Come on in from the cold. Remain ca’m.”

Why he clucked, “Mother christened me ‘Chen’
while supporting my chin in her han’”
remains vague – quite like Zen – for, in fact, he’s a hen 
someone (me!) chose to re-baptize ‘Chan.’

Then he claimed, “I’m a son of that Eichman
folks pretended descended from Cain.
(That his father was Eichman, that rabid Third Reich man,
was roundly rebuked, in the main.)

Next he feigned, “Dare I finger the hem
of a Buddha, a Christ or such men?
No. Their hems – though pro-tem – loom as long as an em,
while my finger’s as short as an en."

Then he jawed, “What’s my job? Feeding mice.
Without me, they’d go hungry,” quoth he.
“And, till you – though no vice – begin treating ‘em nice,
you shall never be mein bon ami.”

He supplies ‘em with cookies and chai,
treats they access by ringing a chime.
When you spot ‘em pass by, don’t neglect to say ‘Hi!’
(If they ask, “Who’s your grocer?” say I’m.)”

“Anti-rodents be no friends of mine.”
(He said that as he patted his chin.)
“You’re like Seven-of-Nine, or the ‘-stein’ known as ‘Ein-.‘ 
Or Mao’s kin-‘neath-the-skin, Ho Chi Minh.”

Is his surname initialed with ‘ai’ch,”
as is ‘Hortense,’ the name of my niece?
“Or ‘Hludowic the Vane,’ who’s called ‘Louis’ in Maine?
Or ‘Hermione, Butcher of Nice’?”

“No, it starts, as does ‘all,’ with an ‘a,’”
he replied, whereupon I honked, ‘Ha!’
“That is all very well,” he returned, “your ‘Ha!,” eh?
Though I so-o-o-o wish you’d answered me ‘ah-h-h…’”

Then he sung me a solfege: “…re-mi…”
“Why?” I asked. Answered he: “’Cuz I can.
I’m a ‘-man’ of that brand known as ‘he-.‘
I am the one-man band,” he said…An’

…out he drew from his shirtsleeve an ace.
(‘Twas of spades: I’d seen sev’ral at NIMH.*)
Then he grinned as he took up his mace
and trisected the card. (That’s just him.)
     * Pronounced ‘nim,’ as you might well imagine.

Then he hiccoughed three times – each a mean ‘hic!’
and remarked, “Though I loathe baking miche
(such a pain* turns me wan and anemic),
it remains my patisseri’l niche.
     * French for ‘bread’ and pronounced ‘pan.’

Lastly, grabbing a Coke with no ice,
he, with mostly maniacal mien,
yes, with mien mostly manic, in panic began: “Ich
bin ein seifenblase…” (ronamtische strasse)
i.e., I’m your bubble machine!”

The Ballad of Baby Jesus (A Nonsense ABC)

Baby Jesus! He agrees:

His home-from-home is now Belize.

Baby Jesus leaves Cadiz’s

church in search of devotees. 

Baby Jesus! His esprits

are captured in a cornice frieze.

Baby Jesus guarantees

good folk don’t croak from heart disease.

Baby Jesus! Ill at ease:

The Word mean ‘turd’ in Javanese.

Baby Jesus! On my knees

He leaves me with his little sneeze.

Baby Jesus’s “re, mi”s

enhance notated harmonies

in psalming contests overseas.

(He lost, despite disciples’ pleas.)

Baby Jesus makes me queas-.

y: no denying He’s the reas-

on I’ve curtailed my drinking sprees.

(I've started steeping herbal teas.)

Baby Jesus! His unease,

His vaults, His waltzes Viennese

have left Him with a dreadful wheeze.

Long gone are Baby’s “eXtacies.”

Baby Jesus, if You please:

I’d grab some long neglected Z-z-z-zs!

"They who have shell-likes..." Instruments of Torture or the Medieval Handbook of Penance (A Nonsense ABC)

Let they who have shell-likes to hear, hark 'n' heed!
All you would-be Chaucerian pardoners need 
is my metrical handbook of penance to read.
Let all sins of the fathers descend to their seed!

Who cops to commissions of copy-cat crimes
shall be shut up in cupboards with five angel chimes.
Who sins with a widow not yet under vows
shall ride herd on bass bumbasses sounded by sows.

Who investigates entrails of sturgeon or gar
shall be tethered to cocktail drums, aures ajar.
Whose aim proves amiss when engaging spittoons
shall acquire, by rote, two and twelve dudelsack tunes.

Who consumes raw crustacea as cure for catarrh
shall reside deep inside an electric guitar.
Who intimidates dwarves with a porbeagle bone
shall attend a Three Flexatones concert…alone.

Who’d harmonize not to “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen”
shall arrange same for glockenspiel – verse and refrain.
Who loiters at seances, irking young girls,
shall be hitched to a humming top powered by squirr’ls.

Who covets his kinswoman’s nursemaid’s third daughter
shall finger an ingungu deep under water.
Who aggravates hermits on Hallowmas Eve
shall perform on a juice harp a recitative.

Who engages in practices arch or demonic
shall secretly tape The Kazoo Philharmonic.
Who pilfers a poor box, withdrawing a dime,
shall retune seven lithophones five at a time.

Who dismembers his priest with a circular saw
shall erect seven mirlitons using no straw.
Who’s chronic’lly late with his booster club dues
shall blow on a noseflute “The Saint Louis Blues.”

Who into idolatry hazards a foray
shall glue in his earshaft an oboe d’amore. 
Whose knee-to-groin thrusts makes of basses sopranos
shall sleep three score weeks beneath player pianos.

Who postpones his toilette until late afternoon
shall be strapped, par hazard, to a Turkish qanun. 
Who rustles his grand-nephew’s prize-winning cattle
shall chant twelve Te Deums astraddle The Rattle.

Who perjures himself in a courtroom of law
shall play medleys from Cats on a musical saw.
Who behaves as a scoundrel (no ‘if’s, ‘but’s or ‘and’s)
shall be forced to play Theramin using no hands.

Who Q-tips his ears more than once or twice daily
shall render Trane’s “Giant Steps” on ukulele.
Who dabbles in pyramid schemes or payola
shall bypass my giant Amati viola.

Who scandalous rumors refuse to quash
shall master the washboard while doing the wash.
Who yields to temptations to unlicensed sex
shall be bound to a xylophone set up by Czechs.

Who enters a cloister with ill-fitting togs
shall audition yueh ch’ins pick’d, pluck’d…pounded! – by dogs.
Who expresses obscenities starting with ‘f’
shall accommodate trough zithers till he goes deaf.

This handbook of penance has come to an end.
What remains? That its strictures be roundly “Amen!”d.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...