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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Drumpf Speaks To His Base Introducing His Latest Drumpf-Branded Product, DrumpfEar©, Following 7.13.24; Or, "For...More...Ears!!"

"Achtung, you MAGAmugs! I fear 
I've gain'd a vote but lost an ear.
Friends, countrymen: do lend me yours!
Mine's, I've shat my draw'rs.
     But buy my DrumpfEar©, made of plastic.
Tack it to your own with mastic.
Pink 'n' tone-deaf -- just  like mine -- 
it's yours...for $90.99."

"I'm now crown'd King of Kinky Ears:
Van Gogh, Colbert... that pair are peers,
though I alone raise up my fist.
(Of fisting folk, I top the list.)
     But buy my DrumpfEar©. But you must.
'Twill tell your world 'In Drumpf We Trust.'
It comes in sizes S, M, B(igly).
Big-eared be, like Uncle Wiggley."

"Right-wing ties...? Too red, too long.
Melania says the look's all wrong.
I say true MAGAns wear red ties.
(All do do, who believe my lies.)
     But, meanwhile, buy my DrumpfEar©, do!
(Who's truely true to  Drumpf buys two.)
I want your loot. Plus, chew on this: 
my next assassin might not miss.

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...