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Monday, January 11, 2021

DodecaDons or Index Of Cads, Set One

The SmiloDon

The KarlMalDon

The MastaDon

The PoseiDon

The LarDon
aka The HeDon

The TenDon
aka The ConDon

The MyrmiDon
aka The PhillipOfMaceDon

The BoustropheDon

The CorDon

The BombarDon

The ArmagedDon 

The LonDon
aka The WimbleDon

     Dons awaiting illustration: 
The AveDon 
The RaDon 
The AbingDon 
The TweedleDon
The IguanoDon 
The WTFHaveYouDon 
The RobinEarlOfHuntingDon 
The PteranoDon 
The GungaDon 
The MyWorkHereIsDon 
The MelancholyDon 
The FlashGorDon 

The Franz Joseph HayDon
The IreneDon
The OdilonReDon 
The RiverJorDon
The Tyre&SiDon 
The AbbaDon
The RigauDon 
The BaDon-BaDon
The Seduced&AbanDon
The SelfParDon 
The AndQuietFlowsTheDon


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...