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Sunday, June 10, 2018

"Despot Dum and Despot Dee agreed to hold a summit..." Summitrio or The Fox & Friends' "Two Dictators" Fallout As Constrained Nonsense

I. Quick Study (pace Lewis Carroll)  

Despot Dum 
and Despot Dee
agreed to hold 
a summit
'cuz desp'rate Dum's 
approval nums
Dum daren't permit 
to plummet.

Crows Dum, "Within 
that first brief min,
if Dee's for real, 
I'll feel it.
It's splinter'd, The 
trust ME! I've chi 
to heal it."

II. Naming Rights  

"Rocket Man v. Racket Man"
The NYT may name it.
"The See of Reds' Dictato Heads"
Fake News may choose to frame it.
"Summit Samba re: La Bomba": 
Which Post won't defame it?
Whate'er the tag, will Drumpf not brag
that he, somehow, will game it?

III. Worst Case

"Some are called but few are chosen":
Jesus said it first.
"Summer cold? You're blue! You're frozen!":
Mother's scolding, versed.
"Summit call'd to feud o'er Chosun":
Dear! I fear the worst.

"You've read, in blogs, of superdogs (remember Rin Tin Tin?)..." The Rise and Fall of the Ant o' Nin: A Constrained "Nin"sense in Rhyme

You've read, in blogs, of superdogs 
(remember Rin Tin Tin?),
of supergirls and superwogs 
(think Kipling’s “Din! Din! Din!”),
of supermen and superflies 
(You've not? Where have you been?).
Now read the tale of superjudge
the awful Ant o’ Nin!

Although ‘Scalia’ was the name 
by which he’d thought to tame
the tsetses of judicial fame, 
he Ant o’ Nin became.
From Nin he hailed. From Nin he bailed: 
“I’ll never live with Ninnies!”
(Quite normal, this: Ant’s norm’s to dis 
all gypsys, gooks and guineas.)

Though born of men, he morphosed when, 
a callow wen of three,
he’s bitten by Formicidae 
on whom he tried to pee.

[To be continued]


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...