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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hymn To Him: A MAGAn Love Song

Our Deity's Donald M. Drumpf.
(The middle M stands for 'Mendacity.')
How we love each contemptuous "Hrrrumpfff,"
ev'ry Drumpfish disdain for veracity! 
   Lord Drumpf's a perpetual liar.
(Did we mention M'Lord's middle name...?)
In the Oval, Drumpf's pants were on fire.
Now He's out, He rekindles that flame.
   D. M. Drumpf's a Despiser of Women.
(Indeed, M's also short for 'Misogyny,'
a perfection applying to Him 'n' 
ev'ry one of His chauvinist progeny. 
   But mostly that M stands for 'Misanthrope,' 
the Drumpf "asspect" we most highly rate. 
Will we ever abandon or diss Him...? Nope, 
for He hates all the same stuff we hate. 

Borrownyms For Dummies: A Tutorial

The borrownym is a series of stanzas each of which consists of three pentameter lines. The first line of each stanza is identical or nearly...