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Friday, August 9, 2024

Odes In Earnest: Sixteen Diverse Verses Prompted By Anagrams On The Prince Of Paradox's Moniker


...or, "alewd" (sic).

     (a work in progress) 

*  *  *  *  *  


...I draw close.

     (a work in progress)

*  *  *  *  *


Goodbyes Wilde bids 
to all his yarns,
each bobbin, spindle, reel 'n' spool:
"Aloha, mohair; 
see ya, silk;
farewell, chinelle,
     adios, crewl."

*  *  *  *  *


I, when running 
scenes with Wilde,
heart and soul.
(Oscar play'd 
Nurse Gotobed
     I was Dr. Cole.) 

*  *  *  *  *


Oscar fancies 
conflicts hot,
with Jerries, Nips, 
with Frogs 'n' Boers.
To fight the Rus 
he'd rather not:
he hates impasse --
     i.e., Cold Wars. 

*  *  *  *  *


Wilde also penn'd 
a play about a
gal who hail'd from Angelo, Wis-
consin, one 
unknown to Jack, a
wholly other 
     Cardew: Lois.*

*Not to be confused with Cecily Cardew,
Worthing's ward in Wilde's comic farce
"The Importance of Being Earnest." 

*  *  *  *  *


     (work in progress) 

*  *  *  *  *


"For Cecily," 
sighs Algernon,
"I ache, I pine, 
I yearn.
Her neumonon 
I dote upon.
Her love 
I long to earn.
I covet not 
Miss Cardew's wealth
(who claims so 
makes me boil).
I care not for 
Miss Cardew's mines 
nor for Miss
     Cardew's oil." 

*Algernon Moncrieff's passion for Cecily 
Cardew is demonstrated throughout Wilde's 
comic farce "The Importance of Being Earnest." 
The play fails, however, to reveal either the 
nature or extent of Miss Cardew's estate nor 
indeed whether she possesses any at all.   

*  *  *  *  *


Wilde combs through Carroll's Alice books,
then lists his findings,
grouped in thirds.
"First, 'frumious.' Next,  
'Bandersnatch.' Third, 
'wabe.' trey of
     Alice words."

*  *  *  *  *


Wilde courted 
the Muses. ('Tis said
Oscar even 
took Thalia to bed.)
Euterpe was pleased. 
Terpsichore...? Teased.
But Erato and 
     Clio saw red. 

*  *  *  *  *


Oscar queries de Vivar 
(or so he says he did),
"You battle Christians; Muslims, too...?" 
asks Wilde.
     "So: war, El Cid...?" 

*  *  *  *  *

Oscar party games 
would play.
“Pick any card, sir,” 
Oscar'd say,
devoid of all 
“On each be writ 
that quality
Dame Destiny 
ascribes to you.
Scoff not, my friend. 
Her cards speak true."
(Young Aubrey Beardsley 
drew ‘precocial.’
Ross drew ‘loyal.’ 
     drew ‘social.’) 

*  *  *  *  *

Says Wilde, "I'm mad 
for skinny lads.
'Mongst linguists, 
lean's oft barr'd:
wi' Chomsky's girth's 
pack'd meager mirth,
as 'tis 
     wi' Eco's lard." 

*  *  *  *  *


Wilde to 
sawbones Fauci: 
"Doc, have I not 
your asking 
Ronny Jackson 
if with Debra 
he's conferr'd
to determine 
if immunity's 
gone herd...?
(And if, within 
his Oval bin, 
Drumpf asks, 
     'Is 'cel' a word...?')...?" 

*  *  *  *  *


"Proof Olympus 
loves spinoffs 
of Parkinson's Law...? 
Search no further," 
shrugs Oscar, 
     Io's red claw." 

*  *  *  *  *


Wilde's green cuisine 
commands the prize.
He's Edna Lewis, 

*  *  *  *  *


A solid crew  X 
A cowl dries  X 
A crow'd isle  X 
A deco swirl  X
Air'd "Le Scow"
Air'd Lew's CO  
Alice words 
Alice's word  X 
Ali's Roc Dew
Ali's Roc Wed  X
Ali! We scor'd!  X
al'ows cider
a slow dicer
A word slice
Alice sword
A wordsicle  X
A row, sliced

Cardew's Oil 
Cold Ears, WI  X 
Cilea Sword  X
Clas'...? "Widower."  X 
Cold, I swear!  X 
C.O.D. air slew
Cried Sal: "Wo'!"  X 
CA rides low.
Car's oil...? Dew!  X
(C): A Wild Rose  X
Cora is lewd.  X
"Cor!"...? Wel' said!  X
Coward lies.  X   
Coward's lie
Cows derail! 
Crowd aisle!
Cawdor Isle  X 
Cries, "A wold!"  X 
Crowe's Dali  X
Carol's wide.

DCI Al swore.  X
Driscol' awe
DA cries, "Owl!"  X 
Dear ol' Wics:  X
Dire Slaw Co. 
Doric Wales  X
DOW's a relic.  X
De laws o' Ric  X 
DWI! Leo's car...?  X
Do eclairs w____...?
Dice...? Or laws...?  X
E. coli wards  X 
"'e cwasi, Lord!" 
El Cid...or was
Eric...? S! Aldo...? W!
"...'eld i' ascrow." 
El Cid saw Ro-...
Erica's wold
Eric's a wold. 
Eric was old.  X

Ilsa Wecord 
Ideal crows 
I draw Cole's  X
I'd wear clo's  X
I also crew'd.  X
I do Al's crew.
I draw close.
I raced...s  l  o  w  X
Is Lear cow'd...?
I slew Draco.  X
I saw ER Doc L.  X 
I -- cold! -- swear. 
I lose...? Ward C!  
I scared Owl.  X 

Lear is cow'd  X  
Law code, sir!  X
Lois Cardew
Low cars die.
Low C, raised  X 
A lower disc.  X 
Le Disco War   x 
Low sidecar
Lo! Icewards!
La Screw...? Dio!
Lew...? Cora...? Sid...?  X

Oil Ace Rd., S.W.  X 
Or slaw iced  X
Old Wis'acre  X 
Ol' Deric saw.
Or, dis a clew
O, scar'd wile!
Ow! d'Arc lies!  X
(O) Sliced raw
Ow'd eclairs  X 
Or El Cid was.  X
Or El Cid saw. 
Owl Sidecar 
Raid Lew's CO  X 
"Rowli**cades"  X
re: a soil'd WC  X
Reads, "Wilco!"  X 

Scrod wi' ale
Scio 'wad'ler' 
So weird, Cal!  X 
Scowler Aid
Seward Coil 
Sie World, CA  X
Sacred owl...? I...?
Sac' o' rildew  X
Sid...? Lew...? Cora...?
Sired a...clow...?  X
"Soldier...?" "WAC!"  X
So, El Cid: war...? 
Sailor, WCed
Saw roc...? Lied.
S read: "Wilco."  X
"...," said Le Crow. 
Sri de la Cow
Slower acid
Soiled craw  X 

Wade, Cloris! 
Wid' col' ears 
Worse: Cali'd!  X 
Woc lids are  X 
W card...? I lose. 
Wid' escarol'  X
Walid's core
Waldo cries  X 
Wide ol' cars  X
Waldo's rice.
W: "" "C: "!"  X
Weird colas  X
"We's cordial!"
We...? Sic Roald...?     
We'd sic Arlo. 
We soil'd Arc. 
WC read soli.     
Wide corals
Wails, "Credo..."  X
Wace is Lord!  X 
We roal'd (sic).  X
Wed Lorca...? Si!  X

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...