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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Le Quartette Fauntastique; Or, The Ballade Of Pseudo-Pliny's Imagin'ry Mini-Menagerie

The Beasts

Ripley's Radicaloo
The Physiologus-drawn Dango
The Innumerate Quot
Pitt's Illijitterbug Bear
The Ballade

Lear unsuspected;
by Gorey neglected.
By Carroll...? Detected...then shunn'd:
Pliny's Imagin'ry
Stare! Then, prepare 
to be stunn'd!

Ripley's Radicaloo

rare's Ripley's Radicaloo, 
which sports    
three(You 'n' me...? 
We've but two.)
   So: how 
so is such so...? Blathers 
Rather "I know..." -- tho' Dan's 
not 'bout to hand out 
one clue.

The Dango

   Physiologus-drawn Dango 
   (tres unclean!) goes unseen 
   'cept towards dark.
      You who'd 
   vie to espy it...? 
   You'd best just deny it.
   (Put bluntly: Go hunt me Snark!)

   The Innumerate Quot 

To that 
lot who would spot 
the Innumerate Quot -- 
pictured here as a yearling 
(a calf):
   Nose...? Ears...?
Eyes...? Of each, one. 
Eyeballs...? Truth to tell: none. 
But eyelashes...? A thatch and 
a half.    


The Illijitterbug Bear 

Pitt's Illijitterbug Bear 
boogies bare. Queried, 
"Where's that fair
     ...which once
thrived 'neath your fez...?" 
Illijitterbug says, 
"One iota less I could not 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...