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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

I Up and Roam: a Pantoum Prompted by the Present Plague...Plus Further Eggcentricity

     A pantoum is a Malay poetic form 
with a rather strict pattern of repeated 
lines. Here's one that respects that 
pattern while attempting to capture the 
feelings of perhaps more than a few 
fellow citizens. As always, don't forget 
to leave a comment.

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I up and roam about my room
as I have likewise done before.
I breathe the stay-at-home perfume
which issues from the kitchen door.

As I have likewise done before
I taste the tang of last night’s stew
which issues from the kitchen door
and count my breaths: one, two…one, two.

I taste the tang of last night’s stew.
I wonder, “What’s tomorrow’s meal…?”
and count my breaths: one, two…one, two.
Is this how I’m supposed to feel…?

I wonder, “What’s tomorrow’s meal…?”
and stare intently at the floor.
Is this how I’m supposed to feel --
as I have likewise done before…?

Eggcentric Ballet:

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  float frozen through his brain.  He peered again,  then geared his pen...