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Friday, October 12, 2018

"Songs in C? Sung gleegully..." Keys in Which a Child Shouldl Sing & Keys in Which She Should Not: A Nonsense in Meter & Rhyme

Songs in C? Sung gleefully
since songbirds were pre-natal.
Tunes in F? The favored clef 
of yod’lers in the cradle.

E-flat anthems tykes troll, too,
though some raise tantrums. (No...not you.) 

C-sharp rounds resound with sounds 
which summon up -weiss, edel-.
Lays in A, chanteuses say,
go dandy with a dreidel.

F-sharp melodies sung blue?
Best softly rendered in the loo.

Duets in B? “The master key, “ 
claims Hansel’s sister Gretel.
Hymns in G flow gracefully, 
like syrup from Mom’s ladle.

B-flat ballads? Trite though true –
while sev’ral trigger déjà vu.

Airs in D? No sir! Not me!
(Some crooners in Kuwail’ll.)
Chants in E? De corps esprit!
But strains in A flat? Fatal!

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...