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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

In Crowd Insiders Flaunt Their Fetishes

Tweedle Dee, twin, looks to raising a din.
A priest of Shaolin books a Holiday Inn.
Marty, with Spin, wagers two bucks to win.
Gen'ral Mike Flynn rages: "Change for a fin...?"

Harlequin chokes on some crocodile skin.
Irving Berlin strokes his chinny-chin-chin.
Ho Chi Minh preys -- with a shit-eatin' grin.
Rin-tin-tin plays on Scott Cao's violin.

Hester Prynne nurses her tonic-less gin.
Sergey Brin curses: "I've shatter'd my shin." 
Lohengrin pauses one brief New York min. 
Twain's Huck Finn jaws, "Is that your cotton gin...?"

Laden, Osamma bin pays for our sins.
Wynn -- i.e., Keenan Wynn -- brays, "West Berlin!"
Ed Wynn pulls into Bonn's lush loony bin.
Anais Nin sins, using plush bowling pins.

Cardinal Sin knows no kith -- and few kin. 
Anthony Quinn blows one mean mandolin.
Calvet, Corinne buys a French mannequin.
Gunga Din lies on his Siamese twin.

Loretta Lynn's wrist's like her waist: wafer thin.
Howard Zinn's fists Howard's dubb'd 'Yang' and 'Yin.'
Tweedle Dum, twin, also raises a din.
(Some verses "fin" [sic] much as they begin.) 

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...