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Monday, May 16, 2022

Echoes of Becker & Fagen

     Alternate verses to Steely Dan's "Reelin' in the Years"

     Verse 1: 
You consume some green things ev'ry day but only those cann'd.
You insist you ♥ humanity but honor Ayn Rand.
You consider Bieber bracin'; you consider Borges bland.
The belles-lettres you label borin' I don't understand.
          Are you reelin' in the years...

     Verse 2: 
To Jinping you cling; Zelensky you dismiss out-of-hand.
To Fritz Perls you diss (aloud!), preferrin' cloud-cuckoo-land.
To the torch you put those volumes right-wing fascists have bann'd.
The philosophies you favor I don't understand.
          Are you reelin' in the years...

     Verse 3: 
Offer'd local brews, you choose to use a national brand.
Proffer'd Charleston Chews, your tried-'n'-true's a 100 Grand.
Going swimmin'...? You'll jam-pack the pool with silica sand.
How you manage your decisions I don't understand.
          Are you reelin' in the years...

     Verse 4: 
You eschew the use of ampersands when typin' your 'and,'
use the dash -- although ellipses are the law of the land.
Caret symbols, curly brackets: won't you please take a stand...?
How you pick your punctuation I don't understand.
          Are you reelin' in the years...

Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...