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Monday, May 8, 2023


Apples ape oranges; boys become girls.
Climate...? Unchangeable! (Swine before pearls...?)
Dead people vote; an Ex-POTUS "makes par."
Fetuses...? People, friend: that's what they are.

'Gay' in the Sunshine State never gets spoke.
Handguns are handy where voters aren't woke.
Icebergs...? Amelt. Greenland...? Au reservoir.
Jews remain kvelt.* See, they know what they are.
     * Past participle of 'kvele,' Norwegian BokmÃ¥l for 
       'strangled, suffocated, stifled, suppressed or smothered.'

Klansmen pass maskless; past lies pass for truth.
MTG passes as Queen of Uncouth.
"Neighbors shoots neighbors"...? No longer bizarre.
Orange-puss'd POTUS boasts tan from a jar.

Proud Boys, judged traitors, get dubb'd "patriotic."
Quietly, Congress adopts laws despotic.
Roe's been aborted by courts shifted far
to the right. Supreme...? White!! Oh, they know what they are.

Toadies call'd Tucker mislead and beguile.
UFO foil hats sit stuck in denial.
Values grow obsolete. How high's the bar...?
'Woke''s but a shibboleth. That's what we are.

X: When's a Christian cross swastika-like,
prompting lingo like 'yidiot,' 'shylock' 'n' 'kike'...?
We're zealots. We're zombies. We've misplaced our star.
It's hard to deny that this is what we are. 

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