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Monday, December 17, 2018

Whoever's Up I'm Up For

Who antes-up post dealing cards, sings backup for the Stones, 
bats cleanup down at Camden Yards and digs up ancient bones? 

Who loves his Lear 'n' Lewis* -- nearly eats 'em up? (Guess who?) 
Whose queries lead with follow-ups when interviewing you? 
     * Edward 'n' Carroll 

Who'd rather fool with fuckups than with grownups, as a rule? 
Who's, sadly, prone to hiccups and's call'd "Hikkieup" at school? 

Whose teachers scold, "Don't interrup'! Stop jumpin' up! Sit down!"
Whose fav'rite lay's "La Marseillaise" -- not "Knees Up, Mother Brown"? 

Who lines up at the Hippodrome? Who mops up at the mall? 
Who neatens up his room at home, then owns up to it all? 

Whose old kit bag he'd pack up long before he'd risk a "quackup”?
And, when traffic tickets rack up, who'd with Captain Jacquie shack up

[If this goes on, I must throw up: this warning's on the up-'n'-up.
And guess who's left to vacuum up? Who's lent -- for rent -- his wickiup?] 

Who, when he'd give a gal some bling, would never gift a Xuping* ring? 
Who yacks it up? And, fin'lly, who zips up his fly outside the loo? 
     * Xuping is a Chinese manufacturer of cheap imitation jewelry. 

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