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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Doggerel Days or Calendar Caliente for August 2019, the Hottest August on Record

It’s hot! (Tres hot: 
luke warm it's not.) 
Ann Miller got 
it: "...too darn hot!"

Da's AC's shot.
Ma's…? Gone to pot. 
Cole Porter'd jot 
it: "...too darn hot!"

It's hot! (Think not…? 
Ya'll don't know squat.)
So-o-o-o hot one's snot 
starts not to clot.

One's nose approx-
imates a Brät, 
while lucid thoughts 
turn most exot-

-ic: dream scenes fraught 
with Lancelot 
and Ladies of 
Shalott, Mahat-

-ma Gandhi, An-
dy Kohut, Lot-
-te Lenya, di-
-va Montserrat

Caballé, sheiks 
who reek of rot-
-ten leeks in oil
of Bergamot,

or Benoit
B. Mandelbrot 
(whose fractal "aht
I like a lot).

Be you quadru-
-ple bi-pass’d tot; 
be you the Hoo-
-ple or the Mott;

don pinstripe, check 
or polka dot; 
inhab McMansh 
or vacant lot;

prefer weak tea 
or pepper pot 
(if tea, ami
that says a lot);

be sri or sultan, 
late of Swat, 
prefer straight lace 
or gordian knot;

be you robot-
-ic or karat-
-e maven -- you
may need a shot --

if not, at least 
some bottled wat'... 
("Some what…?" you quer-
-y.) Water, twat!

("Oo-o-o-oops! Just the flu-
-id I'd forgot.") 
Who's else is hot 
(though Turandot...

is not)…? Why, Rob-
-ert Falcon Scott 
of the Antarc-
-tic: "...'Sbloody hot!"

Who else is hot…?
Hell's Margey Schott, 
pro-Nazi sot: 
"Mein Gott! Ich's hot!"

Who else is hot…? 
Anwar Sadat. 
My cot, though in
a shady spot,

feels, lately, like
a lobster pot: 
it makes me wish 
I'd got a yacht...

or could lay hands 
on your garrotte. 
At least, thank god,
I need not trot...

(tho' true, I do
more oft than not). 
But why's it hot...?
Have you forgot...?

The USA's
a "melting pot." 
In any case, 
there lies this spot --

it’s but a blot, 
a teensy dot – 
a beauty spot quite 
comely...? Not!) --

upon die Son-
-ne...done! It's hot. 
(Or, like as not, 
some knotty plot...

of Aeroflot's,
or, p'rhaps, Pol Pot's.) 
Kool-Aid, it's said's, 
verboten: "...Dot-

Yet, 'til the Trane
Man states he's got...
     * Mr. Morse's code for 'S.O.S.'

our S.O.S, it's 
still hot, wot
Some cooler spot 
to plant one's "bott"...?

You'll find no tit-
-tle -- not one jot. it me 
or is it not...

just that much hot-
-ter since I sta't-
-ed jotting this, 
my Ode De Hot...?

It's hot! So what...?
There's simply "not-“
-thing to be done...
but kvetch alot.

Cole got it right: 
It’s too darn hot. 
(Ol' Cole's a rot-
-ter: too damn hot!)

How's 'bout some cool 
September song...?
(September In The 
Rain’s not long.)

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