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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Even Odder Couples

Ara and Demarco book a bedsit B&B: 
     "…just our 
digs where's done ‘development and research’..." -- Ar ‘n’ Dee.

Beauregard and Arabelle, transcend our loveless era, 
     and suc-
cumb to Cupid's darts and shafts, becoming Beau ‘n’ Ara.

lista and her Derwood were invitees. (We say 'were
     because both
fail’d to show -- or did we fail to check our Cal ‘n’ Der?)

Deborah and Aaron, one sophisticated pair, 
     are known by
other debonaire young things as "raw-ther...Deb ‘n’ Aar."

Ebenezer flips for Florence. Fickle Florence, though, 
     runs hot and
cold. Those indecisive lovers! Call 'em 'Eb ‘n’ Flo.'

Frieda pulls, with Ethan Zane, some stunts which leave us queasy. 
     They’re so
breezy – “c'est la vie”zy. E’er so free be Frie ‘n’ E.Z.!

elda and Barretto keep a bird. Repeats this parrot,
     "I'll de-
file thy domicile." (Just grin and bear it, Grin ‘n’ Barrett'!)

Hamnet, a polygamist, weds twice. (Both brides prove nags. 
    And, oddly,
both were christened 'Agatha.') Meet (don't eat!): Ham ‘n’ Ags.

Wendell's pledg’d, "I'd bed Iphigenia." Ah, but then, 
     Iph vows, "That's
only if and when we've said 'I do!' Iph ‘n’ Wen."

Justin and Tymothea,were decades past their prime. 
     The knot they
tied. Then up and died. (The two became one: Just ‘n’ Tyme.)

Kahtia weds Pickering, but soft...our plot grows thicker.
     'Tain’t no
joke! A yoke of twins is born -- a little Kaht' ‘n’ Picker.'

Lemuel and Adrienne, two drys, our toast is made. 
     "Charge your
flutes, good friends, with lemonade. All fill’d...? To Lem ‘n’ Ade!"

Morris and Ramona: how their ardors overflow! 
     "I love you,
Mo!" "I love you, 'Mo'!" (Love mo' and mo' do Mo ‘n’ 'Mo'.)

Nehemiah and Tonette their calisthenics know: 
     "Hey, Neh'! Hey,
To'e! Please do that one call’d 'Head 'n' shoulder, knee 'n' toe'!"

Booker idolizes Oprah...sinker, line 'n' hook! 
     We trust Ms
Oprah feels the same. They read just like an Ope ‘n’ Book.

Phillip and d'Blanca's hope to win the sweepstakes sank 
     because that
pair, Phil ‘n’ d'Blanc', forgot to -- first! -- "fill in de blank!"

Qisma and Telemachus: their book is selling well. 
     It’s titled
"Life Among the Gay: a Kiss and Tell" -- by Qis ‘n’ Tel. 

Rodney versus Helen: neither wishes t'other well. 
     Says Rod to 
Helen (as does Hel to Rod): "Your ass can rot in hell!"

Samuel and Rose, raw fish aficionados, know: 
"no-no" with your salmon roe. "Banzai!" shout Sam ‘n’ Ro.

     I question’d
Ahmet Ree and Trigve: "What be '2ab cos C'...?" 
     "Why, that's just
simple trigonometry," said Trig ‘n’ Ahmet Ree!

"Upton and his Atamantha," notes our latest datum,  
     "both have
chosen to keep dozin.'" Up 'n' at 'em, Up' ‘n’ Atam'! 

(a work in progress) 

Vergil and Bertha / virgin birth / Virg ‘n’ Berth.

Watson and Helen / Wat' 'n' Hel' / "What in hell...?”

Xavier and Grace / savin' grace / Xav' ‘n’ Grace

Yasser and Deedee / "Yass, indeed!" / Yas’ ‘n’ Deed’

resa said to Zedediah, "I wouldst have 'em bury
     us as 
one: "Here lies the very sedentary Zed' ‘n’ Terri."

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