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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Eggcentricity VII Plus a Covidictionary

“Arma coVirumque cano...”
     Opening words of Vergil’s Aeneid reimagined
during current crisis as Xi's Covineid (cf entry for 
'Chinese virus'). Roughly translated from original 
Latin, the line reads: “I sing of nukes ‘n’ viruses.” 
Resemblance of words to language often employed 
by current US President has not gone unremarked.

     Applause of approval breaking out (cf entry for 
'outbreak') amongst citizens of The Big Apple honoring 
NYC's first responders -- and frequently during each of 
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s virus-update 

Cover Girl
     (Cf entry for 'Dr. Deborah Birx.')

     Latin poet coming into his own during 
crisis as self-quarantined individuals turn to 
his Metaphorphoses and its 12,000,000,000 lines 
(that's billion with a B!) as go-to reading option 
when iPad Pros go on fritz.  

Cov’id’ and cov’ego’
     Two agents operating within human psychic 
apparatus -- id characterized as disorganized, 
impulsive and instinctual drive (e.g., current US 
President) and ego as rational, mitigating 
principle (e.g., Governor Cuomo).  
     Inferior-quality televised reports -- using phone 
cameras and FaceTime -- from doctors and nurses 
working double shifts in hospitals carried all day 
every day by network news broadcasts.

     Repeatedly chanting this single-word mantra 
while sporting MAGA hat and kneeling before icon 
of US President effectively prevents chanter from 
contracting virus causing COVID-19.

CovIdi Amin
     As buffoon, murderer, psycho, obese lover of 
media attention and despotic head of state, this early 
promulgator of plagues of a cultural variety anticipates 
certain approval-seeking and self-serving behaviors of 
current US president on display daily during ongoing 
crisis (cf 'cov'id.'')

     (Cf POTUS's daily Covid-19 Rose Garden briefing.)

     (Cf entry for 'covidiocy.')

CoVido Musso
     Born in Palermo, Sicily (cf entry for La Dolce CoVita
and dying in Rancho Mirage, California, (talk about your 
out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire, COVID-wise) this reed 
player performed with host of greats, thereby spreading 
coronavirus throughout jazz world.

Covim and covigor
     Characterization of mental and physical energies severely
dampened by exposure to coronavirus. Antonyms are covapidity
and covicissitude.

     Spirit in which current President's remarks about pandemic
must be taken by citizens hoping to keep grasp on reality.

     Ebdomotagonist featured in unsuccessful spin-off 
of "The Lion King" franchise who dies of unspecified Asian 
infectious disease due to failure to thoroughly wash paws. 

Covvy the Dam'Virus Slayer
     (Entry to come)

“Too many covirons in the fire”
     (Entry to come)

Virus Murdoch
     (No entry forthcoming)
Eggcentric First Harpoonist:

Eggcentricity VI (accompanying fragment to come)

Eggcentric Lake:

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Family E'arp': a Two-Act Comic 'Arp'era in B Double Sh'arp' Major for Pre'par'ed H'arp'sichords Using the Left Hand Alone (C'arp'als Permitting), Tenor and H'arp' to Recite Aloud (Plus Eggcentricity V)

Act I

   A be-
mused musicologist, Theodore Karp,
  [sing do 
     (B double sharp)... dore (C triple sharp)]
    with top 
Terpsichorean (danseuse) Twyla Tharp...
  [sing mi 
     (D triple sharp), rest through solo on harp]
    ...and John 
Irving (The World According to Garp),
  [sing fa
     (E double sharp)...fasol (F triple sharp)]
     each a 
member -- these past sev'ral decades -- of AARP...
     slacken your carpals: more solos on harp]
     ...have i-
magined an "arp"'ra in B double sharp --
  [sing la 
     (G triple sharp); further solos on harp]
     for two
(pair'd) prepared harpsicords, tenor and harp...
  [sing la 
     (rest), la (rest): sev'ral more Gs (triply sharp'd)]
     ...and with 
sets by famed Dadaist Hans (ne Jean) Arp --
  [sing la 
     (rest), la (rest)... (more G's pile up (triple sharp'd)) 
     they see 
choreograph’d by th'aforemention’d Tharp...
  [sing la 
     (rest), la (rest): seven Gs (all triple sharp]
     ...who'll per-
form it in front of Arp's paint-spatter’d tarp
  [sing si 
     (some call it 'ti'), i.e., A triple sharp]
     on a 
stage steeply skew’d, a theatrical scarp...
  [sing: do, 
     si, la, sol, fa, mi, re. do! (Nineteen sharps!)] the 
taciturn harpist, a Marxist named Harpo
     Ballade of Morgan and Virgil and Newton…
arpeggiates, fingers carp...
  […and of 
     Warren and Wyatt: The Family E'arp']

fig. 1:
Unusual B Double Sharp Major Key Signature
as it Appears in Early Piano Reduction Mss

Act II 

Song: "What LARPs, Pip, what LARPs!" -- Pip pal Joe Gargery
Song:"Warp speed, Mr. Sulu! Warp speed!" -- Captain James Kirk
Song:"The worst is so often true."  -- Miss Jane Marple and chorus

(more of Act II to come: a work in progress)

Eggcentric Philosopher:
Rene D'eggCarton

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A No-Nonsense Solicitation in the Time of CoronaV

Do you like what you see here at PlaysWellWithLetters...? 
For more nonsense like it, visit 'Politics and Prose Bookstore' 
web site. Once there, click on the 'Self Publishing' box. 
In the 'Search' box this takes you to, enter 'Ulysses Poe' 
(that's a pen name used by poetaster Smithe-Magee). 
This will display the (currently) five books of nonsense verse 
available for sale. (A sixth is with the editor now and 
seventh is on its way.)

Collect and enjoy 'em all. Trade 'em among your pals.
And in the meantime, stay safe and sane!

Tell your friends!

Please leave comments at PlaysWellWhen you wish 
to leave a comment, click on the text 'No comments.' 
(It means no comments have yet been made and might 
also read '1 comment' or '2 comments' if someone has 
commented before you.) That takes you to  'Post a 
comment' where you do so. You can leave your 
name in the 'Post as' box, then click on 'Publish.' 
You should be able to view your comment positioned 
beneath the item you've commented on. If you 
have anything you wish to tell me privately, 
negative or positive, why not email me:

And be sure to drink your 'Ova'tine!

Eggcentricity IV: More Egg Salad with Fragments of Nonsense

Southern White House:

(more than a fragment)

A initials ‘alter ego’:
mon ami y mi amigo.
A’s as well ‘another you’ –
one boastin' bubbe’s eyebrows, nu…?

B initials ‘body double’:
brooks all brunts in times o’ trouble.
B’s, as well, for ‘blizniak.’*
(Too late to send that brother back.)
     * Polish for ‘twin.’

C initials ‘corollary.’
One’s okay; a second’s scary.
C is also for the ‘clone.’
(So nice to know we’re not alone!)

D initials ‘dvyniai.’*
(The elder’s straight; the younger’s bi-)
D’s, as well, for ‘dopplegang.’
That’s twice – at least! – the postman rang.
     * Lithuanian for ‘twin.’

E’s for ‘extra pair of hands.’
He goes to bat. He understands.
E’s, as well, for ‘evil twin.’
Take care! ‘Sno telling where she’s been.

F initials ‘faithful friend,’
one’s kemo sabe. Hands he’ll lend.
F is also for the ‘fetch.’*
Which kid’s the khaver, which the kvetch…?
     * An Irish supernatural double.

G initials ‘gemini.’
(One pair I know’s named Clem ‘n’ Cy.)
G’s, as well, for ‘gimoozaabi.’*
(Etymology’s my hobby.)
      * Ojibwe and Potawatomi for “he/she
looks out in secret.”

H initials ‘hologram.’
Both boys; both bald. (One sports a tam.)
H is for the Hortons* (Tom
and Addie), famous soaps phenom.
     * Cf “Days of Our Lives.”

I’s for ‘ihmiskaksoset.’*
A pickle to pronounce…? You bet
I is for the ‘Ito teens,’**
of Nippon Pop they’re former queens.
     * It may be Finnish. It may be Chinese.
It has something to do with twinship.
     **Cf Nippon Girls 2

J’s the letter for ‘jumeau.’
(Have I the accent right…? Who’d know!)
J is for ‘Johansson,’ too.
Young Hunter’s Scarlett’s twin. (Who knew…?)

K’s the letter for ‘karoha,’
twin from Samar (not Samoa).
K is also for ‘kembar,’
heard mispronounced on NPR.

L initials ‘lookalike.’
(Is not Kid Two the cuter tyke…?)
L is also for the ‘likeness’ –
equal parts sauvage and tykeness.

M is for the ‘mirror image.’
Each exchange with him’s a scrimmage.
M’s, as well, for ‘matching set.’
Brings meanings new to ‘tete-a-tete.’

N is for the ‘‘nother self.’
Each crows, “My bro’s a freakin’ elf.”
N is for the ‘Norvo girls.’*
(That‘s Mim and Liv to you, you churls.)

O is for ‘one’s opp’site number.’
One is dumb and Two is dumber.
O is for the ‘Olsen twins.’
Much like the Norvos, for their sins.

P initials the ‘pretender.’
One’s of unspecific gender.
P is for the ‘Polish pair.’*
These twins make films. Pretend to care.
     * Children born in the same year but not twins

Q initials the ‘quintuplet.’
Pair’d’s a triplet with a couplet.
Q is for the Brothers ‘Quay.’
They’re into film and puppet play.

R is for ‘reciprocal.’
One sib is hip; one sib is dull.
R initials, too, ‘reflection.’
Viva natural selection!

S is for the ‘symbiont.’*
(Can you name ev’ry Dax…? I cahn’t)
S is for the ‘surrogate.’
Resemblances seem clear…somewhat.
     * A symbiotic lifeform in the Star Trek world.

T is for the ‘Tweedle brothers.’
Think of Dick and Tommy Smothers.
T’s for ‘twin’ as well as ‘tvilling’:
flesh and spirit both unwilling.

U initials ‘Ubermensch,’
the better self (in Deutsch, not French).
U’s, as well, for ‘ut’rine double.’
Both survive…within a bubble.

V’s for ‘verisimilar’ –
not fine when Heinrich Himmilar.
V’s, as well, for ‘vardøger.’
To play the twin’s been hard on ‘er.

W’s for ‘Weatherbee.’*
He’s Tony’s twin. A wether, he.
W’s, too, for ‘wulawa.’**
Both simulacra drool, their flaw.
     * Tony and Waldo Weatherbee in Archie Comics universe.
     ** Footnote to come

X…? For ‘xystos’ and for ‘xyst.’
Both language doublets. (Don’t get piss’d.)
X is for the ‘Xerox copy.’
(She’s so slick. Why’s he so sloppy…?)

Y is for the ‘Young named Will.’*
Twin Rupert fills this double bill.
Y initials ‘yokalogue.’
This pair’s enough to choke a blog.
     * Depressive twin of Pop Idol’s Rupert.

Z’s the letter for the ‘zwilling.’
Two’s okay; three may prove chilling.
Z…? ‘Zikarskys,’ Bjorn und Bengt.*
Enough with twins. My vision’s spent.
     * Footnote to come.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Guest Blogger Bar'sow'lomew Channels Don Martin: Hogmalion's "Big Pig" Presents Four Grim'ricks

     Trump, one fine day recently, at a press briefing:

Before Covid arrived here, I knew:
I said, “Everyone: Do as I do."
Let the TP run out!
What’s the fuss all about...?
No point wipin’: I’m shit through 'n' through!

     Trump, one fine day recently, at a grocery store:

You’ll hear people shout “Riot!” That’s bull.
Over these eyes you won’t pull the wool.
Sure, the produce is gone,
but the lights are still on.
And the greeting card aisle’s nearly full!

     Trump, one fine day recently, at a local hospital:

Close to sickos, you must don a mask.
Where to get one...? Ugh! Hold on, I’ll ask.
Wow! So many with flu.
Mikey, what should I do...?
“Call The Reaper. He’s up for the task.”

     Trump, one fine day recently, at a funeral:

May I say at this perfect event:
What a casket! Not even a dent!
Well, your daughter said “Bye.”
But your sons, when they die...
so's you know: Mar-a-lago’s for rent.

Eggcentricity III

The Ballad of Drump O'Love the Bully,
Asshole/Antagonist of the 21st Century
(a fragment)

     Canto 1 
When, years from now,
wonks work out how
this plague “inveig’d” our nation,
one only hopes
they peg all dopes
who buoy’d it – peg ‘em fully.
Among that lot
(some known, some not),
one vile administration
left millions dead.
Who howl'd, "I'm Head!"…?
‘Twas Drump O’Love the Bully.

     (to be continued, if we live)

Eggcentric Prisons:
Gulegg 'n' Stalegg -- or is it the 

'oeuf'er way a'roe'und...?

Friday, March 27, 2020

Eggcentricity II

Eggcentric NASA: 
"The Eggle Has Landed!"

Two Superheroes (fragments)

It's a plane! It's a bird!
(Tho' no passerine mynah.) 
It's super-heroic
Regina Vagina! 
She's here...then she's sighted
in South Carolina. 
The drafts as she passes
engender angina. 



It's a bird! It’s a plane!
It's a nerd named Rodrigo,
whose id is diminutive. 
Not so his ego.
His man cave's in Spain
near Galicia's Vigo,
tho' lately he's dating
some bird from Oswego

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Eggcentricity I

Eggcentric Interrogation:
Third Deggree
Hey, fellas and gals! 
Starting today, on each 
and every morning 'til Easter
(and who knows...? Possibly 
beyond!), an Eggcentricity 
image will appear right here.* 

Collect 'em all! Trade 'em 

with your pals! Don't forget: 
tell all your friends!
    (And be sure to drink 
your "Ova"tine!) 

* Adjacent to it will be a 
verse fragment unrelated 
to the Eggcentricity.

     Shiva (a fragment)
She is nothing if not something,
if not everything goy.
Yes, she's Shiva the Yeshiva boy’s gal.
She’s a fun thing. (She’s no nun thing.)
An home run thing…? Oh, boy!
Yes, she's Shiva the Yeshiva boy’s pal.
She’s a plaything, right-away thing.
Bird o' prey thing...? Vey! Oy!
Yes, she's Shiva the Yeshiva boy’s mal.
She’s a Hun thing, hit-‘n’-run thing.
Should one shun…? Or enjoy
Shiva, shiksa from the Suez Canal...?

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Upper Handustan

Time was, t'was dubb'd U S of A.
Its polies…? All-American!
But that, my friend, was yesterday.
Today it’s Upper Handustan.
The despot there’s a billionaire,
an autocratic Uberman
who swears allegiance to the ban-
derole of Upper Handustan.

What once was het'rogeneous
is, sadly, now homogenous
because Sir Stable Genius
who rules there is mysogynous,
psychotic, narcissistic, racist --
and who sports a tan 
of hues he brews from powder'd traffic cones.
That's Upper Handustan.

What once was call'd America
would welcome Old World tired and poor,
would greet Third World diaspora 
with outstretch'd hand, with open'd door.
DPs now...? Stopp'd. "Halt, Sis! Whoa, Br'er!
You can't come here." (Where's "Yes We Can"...?)
You don't, you'll die...? We couldn't care..."
Yup, yup! That's Upper Handustan.

(More "Upper H" to come: a work in progress)


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...