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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trolley Song Ala Geisel's And To Think..." After Queneau's "Exercises"

In the midst of the rush hour, I noted this chap
who, as well as displaying a curious cap,
went lamenting and venting, fomenting a fuss.
And to think this began with my taking the bus.
Unseason'd he was – twenty-six if a day --
and as passengers pass’d, to his neighbor he’d say:
“Keep tha's knees to thaself! Leave me legs alone, Gus!”
And to think this began with my taking the bus.
He was wearing a hat, as I said, with a string
where its ribbon should be – a most singular thing.
And his neck…? Like a crane’s or giraffe’s it stretch’d – thus.
And to think this began with my taking the bus.
I ran into him later – I can’t recall where --
being told by his friend, “See…? Your coat needs repair.”
With my therapist Thursday my tale I'll discuss.
And to think it began with my taking the bus.

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