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Monday, March 29, 2021

Wolaly One > Ten: A Jump Rope Rhyme (Unpub)

     There's always more than one way to get there. 

One's but one. One stands alone.
Two's an ore. At heart, it's stone.
Three's an ort, a scrap of meat.
Four's an oat, the grain I eat. 
Five...? Five sat -- a moment's rest
Six...? "The sun set in the west." 
Seven -- see...? They're seven seas. 
Eight's a fee. Just pay it, please! 
Nine's a fen. It's land...? All wet.
Ten's a ten. The best...? You bet!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Canonagrams or Books They Might Have Written (Unpub)

Jane Austin: Injun At Sea
Samuel Beckett: Let 'Em Back...? Es tu...?
Joseph Conrad: Corpse on Hadj
Don DeLillo: No Deli, Doll!
Ralph Waldo Emerson: Howl, Demon! Rape, Pals! 
William Faulkner: Lawn Milk...? Failure!
Graham Greene: Her Garage, Men!
Ernest Hemingway: He's Wearing My Net!
Eugene Ionesco: No, No... I Cue Geese!
Henry James: My Jeans; Her _______
Rudyard Kipling: I Play'd Kurd "Ring"
C. S. Lewis: Swel! (Sic)
Philip Larkin: Pink Hair Pill
Herman Melville: Leave Mr. M____ In Hell!
Vladimir Nabokov: Mr. A, Invalid (Book V)
Eugene O’Neill: I (NĂ© Lee) Lounge
Harold Pinter: In Her Old Part
Quintilian: I Quilt, Nina
Salman Rushdie: Sure, Man: Al's Hid![JH1] 
William Shakespeare: I'll Share a Peek, Swami!
Mark Twain: Mink at War!
Sigrid Undset: I Git ‘Undress’d’
Jules Verne: Le Jeu” (vers N)
Virginia Woolf: Living for Iowa
Xenephon: "Open Hen 'X'!”
William Butler Yeats: Yes, I Will, Ma...but Later!
Emile Zola: I'm Loleeza


Monday, March 22, 2021

Constrained Celebrity: An Alphabet (in progress)

"Absolute zero's one get-go,* albeit a bleak..."  
specs Alexis,** who's married with children and swears, "Yeah, I’m Greek.”   
     * Possibly the so-called Great Get-Go, 
often confused with the Big Bang.
     ** Zorba (AZ)
"Be yourself! (HO* whom else would you be…?" asks (rhetoric'lly) Boris.**  
"To be anyone else might cause Mother*** some serious tsoris."
     * Russian Cyrillics for 'but' and pronounced
(roughly) 'noh.'
     * Yeltsin (BY)
     *** Mother Russia, of course.
"Contemn xenophobes! Contemn..." Rhumba King Cugat* repeats.  
(Just as he would be treated, each stranger this vir bonus** treats.)  
     * Xavier (CX (reverso))
     ** What the good man does is always right –
or so (someplace) suggest the Brothers Grimm.
"Dwithout! Pledge thy pounds to the poor," warbles Dionne* (a song bird),  
though 'tis Bacharach (Burt) who will best teach her right word from wrong word.
     * Warwick (DW)  
"’Every valley exalted shall be; every rough place made plain...’:   
I would dance thee that text," Edward* vows, "but in Balanchine vein."
     * Villella (EV)  
"I’m fed up! UFOs, URLs, UXBs..." fumes our Felix.*
"In the end, all they yield is some abecedarial helix."
     * Unger (FU) 
"Gin and tonic plus juice of one lime: pour the lot over ice..." 
prescribes Gene.* "Good advice," echoes Gene.** "To: innocuous vice!" 
     * Tierney (GT) 
     ** Tunney (GT)
"He v she…? The distinction's ambiguous," challenges Holly.* 
So (s)he's Shlomo. Still, what's in a name…? 'So long, Sol; hello, Dolly.'
     * Sweet (HS) 
"IRobot, rest my case," in tones Rumpolean
roars Irene.* "I'd rap it, were I Rock 'n' Rollean."
     * Ryan (IR) 
"John Quincey ain't the seventh Chief Exec," corrects Jose.*
"He's sixth, post James Monroe…but what the heck!" (More: what the 
     * Quintero (JQ) 
"Key personnel…? Kevin…? Paul…? Rajon…? Ray…?" Kendrick* wonders.
Then Perk's traded, which trade shall yet prove one of Bean Town's big blunders. 
     * Perkins (KP)
Leigh/Olivier,* Lunt/Fontaine. Which duo's dropp’d from the list
of great thespian pairs…? Jolie/Pitt…? LOL! THEY'D be miss'd…?
     * (LO) 
"Mach'avellian, not to say cynical: 'twas just her way..." 
muses Mike,* as he pegs one-time partner, the late Elaine May.
     * Nichols (MN) 
"Not much!" mutters Norman,* when asked if he liked married life. 
 "Good when naked, but less good when deadmuch depends on the wife."
     * Mailer (NM) 
Ozymandias: "Look on my burg, Mr. Big, and despair!"
(Or Orlando*: "Give ear to my music...or not: I don't care.") 
     * Lasso (OL)
[PK: Percy Kilbride]
[QJ: Quincy Jones]
[RI: Robert Ingersoll]
[SH: Sam Houston]
[TG: Theodor Geisel]
[UF: Ugo Foscolo]                    
[VE: V. Emmanuel]
[WD: W. Demarest]
[XC: Claudio Ximenes (reverso)]                  
[YB: Yul Brynner or Yogi Berra]
[ZA: Zufer Avdija (NBA power forward 
and father of current Wizards player 
Deni Avdija]

Rat Dance: Chemical Paint Aerosol Sprayed Through Paper Stencil Onto Painted Salvaged Lumber For Miniature Decorated Baltimore Salt Box

7" x 3 1/4"

Monday, March 15, 2021

A Quintet Of 'Oscar Wilde' Anagrams

     Oscar Wilde
Oscar party games would play.
“Pick any card, sir,” Oscar'd say,
devoid of all frivolity.
“On each be writ the quality
Dame Destiny ascribes to you.
Scoff not, my friend. Her cards speak true."
(Young Aubrey Beardsley drew ‘precocial.’
Ross drew ‘loyal.’ Wilde 
     drew ‘social.’)

     Oscar Wilde 
Says O, "I'm mad for skinny lads.
'Mongst linguists, lean's oft barr'd:
wi' Chomsky's girth's pack'd meager mirth,
as is 
     wi' Eco's lard."

     Oscar Wilde
O to Doctor Fauci: "Doc, could I have overheard
your asking Ronny Jackson if with Debra he's conferr'd
to determine posilutely if immunity's gone herd...?
(And if, within Drumpf's Oval bin, Don asks, 
     'Is 'cel' a word...?')...?"

      Oscar Wilde
"Proof Olympus hugs spinoffs 
of Parkinson's law...? 
Search no further," shrugs Oscar, "than 
      Io's red claw."

     Oscar Wilde
O's green cuisine 
commands the prize.
He's Edna Lewis, 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Another 'Oscar Wilde' Anagram

      Oscar Wilde 
Wilde courted the Muses. ('Tis said
Oscar even took Thalia to bed.)
Euterpe was pleased. Terpsichore...? Teased.
But Erato and 
     Clio saw red.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Anagrams Around "The Railway Children" (Unpub)

     E. Nesbit:
With footballer Billy a surname she shares.
But Bill: he ain't E., though -- agree…?
As those Nesbits do, Cummingses name-share as well.
('Tis bene:
     B.* isn’t ee.)

    * The actor (that's Bob aka Robert) must never 
be confused with the famous lower-case-initialed 
poet lest cultural chaos ensue -- agree...?


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...