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Monday, May 23, 2022

Trekkin' the System

On our way to 
with Captain James T. 
Kirk, you re-
alize," We trek where 
no one's trekk'd before."

On our way to 
we quiz Spock, "Hey! Just be-
tween us,
did you recollect to 
check the pod bay door...?

On our way to 
we drop by Pan's* habi-
tat, earn-
ing a billion frequent 
flier miles en route.

     * One of Saturn's several moons

On our way to 
with Troi, you order 
her 'n' us,
to power wash and 
press each pressure suit.

On our way to 
while "Bones" unpacks his spec'men 
we hear his, "Dammit, I'm a 
doctor, not a bellboy."

On our way to 
though La Forge thinks you're in-
ept, un-
animous opinion 
(nearly) dubs you Hellboy.

On our way to 
should Montgom'ry Scott fall 
mute...? Oh,
yeah! Just beam us up but 
lose that Glasgow Burr! 

On our way to 
Uhura claims the 
croup put her
in sick bay all last 
week. The cause...? Obscure.

To Earth we 
now must go.
Jean-Luc Picard says, 
"Make it so!"
But we must not ignore the 
Moon as we fly by:

the Moon, whereon's the 
that kitsch from Kubrick's 
sci-fi myth.
(It's Space: we loathe the 
sci...but love the fi.)

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