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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

"You Are Old, Father William..." Variations (cont'd)

"'Tis with Gold (Sherwin-Williams)," 
 the young man said,
"that you've painted, Herr Drumpf, 
 all your buildings.
      With most people in need, 
 how's your lunatic greed 
 still allow such 
 extravagant gildings...?"
     "In my youth," said the fellow,
"I'd often heard tell o'
 King Midus's Touch 
'n' such hype.
      So I said to myself, 
'Oro's my brand o' pelf.
 As for people... 
 ...they're -- meh! -- not my type."

"They're still sold -- Whip-Poor-Will Yums --
that once-trendy bird feed...?"
ask'd Oz of the pet-shop 
     "If they are, Whip and I
shall buy all you'll supply. 
Nowt but Whip-Poor-Will Yums seem to 
quiet her."
     "In my youth," said the salesman,
my appetite angled towards 
dog biscuit, bird seed 
and kibble.
     Now grown older, I still
can't get hands on my fill.
So, when Yums clog the stockroom...
...I nibble.

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