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Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Shelfful O' Selfies

The Shallow Continental Shelffie 
The Papal-States-Supporting Guelphie
The "We All Live In Rivendell"fie
The Jacques Brel Is Alive 'N' Wellfie
The Fennel Farmers In The Dellfie
The Dreamt In Marble Halls We'd Dwellfie
The Me 'N' Stupid (With Adele)fie
The Broadway's Katherine Cornellfie
The Doe-Eyed Soemmerring's Gazellefie 
The "Flag Pin Pinn'd On My Lapel"fie 
The Donald Wins A Fake Nobelfie

     (images and rhyming triplets to come: 
a work in progress)

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Selfie Sketchbook: Cocteau...


The Jean Cocteau "Le BĂȘte e' Bellefie"

Jean remarks, "We're not alone."
Josette barks, "BĂȘte's done ete my phone."
(Marais's performance...? Overblown.)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

A Selfie Sketchbook Hierarchy

Their Lost Cause Rebel Yellfie
quells our Wicked Witch's Spellfie, 
my Anti-personnelfie 
and your Norman Bates Motelfie. 
   Their Solid Xerogelfie
(as it flaunts its daunting smellfie)
fells our Dhammazedi Bellfie
and Rossini's William Tellfie.
   Their Celtic Clootie Wellfie,
which dispells my Asphodelfie
and your Seventh Ring Of Hellfie,
pelts S. Claus's Fav'rite Elfie.
   Their Columbian Cartelfie,
with your So Long, Fare Thee Wellfie
and my Third-Grade Show-'n'-Tellfie:
not a one's "just one more selfie." 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Harrowing Of Heaven

      Canto I 

Friday night, late, I slipp'd 
right off the plate, kick'd the 
bucket. gave up the 
   came to 
ultimate harm, bought (and 
paid for) the farm. I (and 
let me speak frankly) was 
   Drank I 
deep from Doom's cup, beds of 
daisies push'd up, had my 
ticket punch'd, caught the last 
     met the 
Reaper (he's grim), bit the 
Big Galbijjimwith the 
fishes slept. (Bluntly: 
   To in-
visible choirs I ap-
pended my lyres; kick'd the 
can (sadly, not down the 
     met my 
end, popp'd my clogs; went whole-
hog! to the dogs, crossing 
o'er to no mortal a-
   Call my 
trip what you will: the Big 
Sleep, the Big Chill, that I 
pass'd to some vast other 
     cash'd in 
chips, bit the dust -- R.I.-
P.'d if you must. But, while 
nixing to shout it or 
flout it or tout it, there's 
nowt doubt about it: 

      Canto II 

Dante of yore...? He faced 
gauntlets galore. Me...? 
can't declare I did as 
     I was 
neither urn-buried nor 
quite Aligh'eri'd; 'tis 
clear I veer'd nowhere near 
Never turn'd up. Were I 
on my own...? Yup! (Them three
hell-creatures never show'd, 
(Bonne Femme Bea)...? She, too, 
made no appea-. Lo, to 
tell you the truth (though it 
smells less than couth), their A-
WOLism 'queath'd me a 

     Canto III

     (to be continued)

Monday, June 24, 2024

O Tempora, O Mores; Or, Nine, Nein...? An Anagrammatic Nonet (Vaguely OuLiPian) In The Form Of A Dialog Between A Certain Eve And Her Pal Steve

The Nine Notes 

(1) By the end of the opening line,
18 letters have been used. 1+8=9. 
(2) By the end of the second, 
36 letters have been used. 3+6=9. 
(3) By the end of the third, 
54 letters have been used. 5+4=9. 
   (4) By the end of the fourth line, 
72 letters have been used. 7+2=9.
(5) By the end of the fifth,
90 letters have been used. 9+0=9.
(6) By the end of the sixth,
108 letters have been used. 1+0+8=9.
   (7) By the end of line seventh line,
126 letters have been used. 1+2+6=9.
(8) By the end of the eighth,
144 letters have been used. 1+4+4=9.
(9) And by the end of the final line,
162 letters have been used. 1+6+2=9. 

The "Nine, Nein...?" Nonet 

Steven, dear; my Steven:
every M.V.A. needs tents,
my vest...and even trees.
Events, my!
Steven, dear; my Steven:
meet any Denver's vets...?
Yes; seven matter'd, Eve.
Events, my;
events, my!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Le Quartette Fauntastique; Or, The Ballade Of Pseudo-Pliny's Imagin'ry Mini-Menagerie

The Beasts

Ripley's Radicaloo
The Physiologus-drawn Dango
The Innumerate Quot
Pitt's Illijitterbug Bear
The Ballade

Lear unsuspected;
by Gorey neglected.
By Carroll...? Detected...then shunn'd:
Pliny's Imagin'ry
Stare! Then, prepare 
to be stunn'd!

Ripley's Radicaloo

rare's Ripley's Radicaloo, 
which sports    
three(You 'n' me...? 
We've but two.)
   So: how 
so is such so...? Blathers 
Rather "I know..." -- tho' Dan's 
not 'bout to hand out 
one clue.

The Dango

   Physiologus-drawn Dango 
   (tres unclean!) goes unseen 
   'cept towards dark.
      You who'd 
   vie to espy it...? 
   You'd best just deny it.
   (Put bluntly: Go hunt me Snark!)

   The Innumerate Quot 

To that 
lot who would spot 
the Innumerate Quot -- 
pictured here as a yearling 
(a calf):
   Nose...? Ears...?
Eyes...? Of each, one. 
Eyeballs...? Truth to tell: none. 
But eyelashes...? A thatch and 
a half.    


The Illijitterbug Bear 

Pitt's Illijitterbug Bear 
boogies bare. Queried, 
"Where's that fair
     ...which once
thrived 'neath your fez...?" 
Illijitterbug says, 
"One iota less I could not 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Der Briefkastenliebhaberkunstler



Call Me Ish-

Cozy Camo-

Gulag Tread-

Fakakta Shle-

The 12 'Chair-'s; Or, 'Sit' Happens: A Chairy Jubilee

       Anyone for chairades...?      Chairless, three Chairokees charily  squat on their mounds. each Aniyunwyan breathes deep  as the pipe ...