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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

"Levi narrates..." Stops & Golem (in What A's)

Levi narrates in his tome 
how Jesus stops at Eboli.
Silent Calvin Coolidge stops: 
"I do not choose to run," hums he.
Tecumseh Sherman never stops 
till standing knee-deep in the sea.
Won't someone somewhere somehow 
stop Dar-r-rumph...?

In "Itch," when Mar'lyn's dress unfurls, 
her mise-en-scene stops traffic, nu...?
"The Schnozz" Durante's "Stop da music!" 
helps Miranda struggle through.
Rob Frost makes stopping by a woods on snowy eves 
the thing to do.
Won't someone somewhere somehow 
stop Dar-r-rumph...?

Who croons "The Man That Got Away"? 
'Tis Judy -- as she stops the show.
Miss Merman's murmur stops a train 
when Ethel sings "Blow, Gabr'el, Blow!"
Esiason stops on a dime, surveys the field, 
lets fly his throw.
Won't someone somewhere somehow 
stop Dar-r-rumph...?

Hey! Stop the presses! "His Harangues 
Have Hasten'd Hateful Haters' Hate!"
Say "Stop the bleeding!" sure. 
(One only hopes that stop comes not too late.)
Dar-r-rumph might stop a bullet. 
Would such outcome prove too harsh a fate...?
Won't someone, in the meantime, 
stop Dar-r-rumph...?

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