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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

"A's for Allegra allergic to nuts..." Abecedarial Allergy Allegory ala Gorey

A's for Allegra allergic to nuts.
B's for Burl's boils. (Burl's been huffin' mutts' butts.)
C's Clytemnestra. Her Nemesis...? Pollen.
Dag's dogg'd by dander. The itchin's appallin.'
Emmaline's caught the ergotamine plague.
Floyd's bane is Latex. (The source remains vague.)
G's Gioconda whose bete noire's raw wheat.
Hersch hates not soy, yet it's soy Hersch can't eat.
I is for Ilka "illergic" to fish.
Jayne's jinx...? Raw egg. Lay no egg in Jayne's dish.
K is for Kal. Milk's his fatal attraction.
Lee's bloody bee stings exact big reaction.
Maeve must avoid all prescribed penicillin.
Naps in the grass...? Nathan's flesh is unwillin.' 
O is for Oleg allergic to dust.
Poul is a mold-shirker. (Isn't he just.)
Q is for Quinton: no antibiotics.
Rodney's allergic to tsetses, though not tics.
Steffi's all stuffy. Her nose knows it's pollen.
Tartrazine causes Todd's tongue to grow "swahllen."
U is for Uta allergic to semen.
Vern discerns dust mites and's right away screamin.'
Winifred's allergies cause dermatitis.
Xavier binges on gluten -- to spite us.
Yuri and cephalosporins don't mix.
Zeke combines yogurt with ergot -- for kicks!

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