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Friday, February 23, 2018

"Drumpf and his kids to our country's laid siege..." Noblesse, No Less: Drumpf Nonsense

Drumpf and Drumpf's kids
to our country laid siege.
I call it vice.
They cry, "Noblesse oblige!"

Drumpf spreads for Putin
like crackers for cheese.
To each, t'other's "noble."
So: noblesse...? Oh, please!

Senior touts Norquist,
claims Grover holds keys.
I call it blackmail.
Drumpf...? "Noblesse goatees."

Senior's small hands
fondle gals' As and Ts.
They shout, "Abuse!"
Drumpf cries, "Noblesse nookees!"

Junior'd keep Bangalore's
brides on their knees.
He cites, "Their rules."
I cry, "No! Less suttees!"

Senior'd have teachers
pack heat while they teach.
He...? "It's for safety."
Me...? "Shit! Let's impeach!"

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