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Friday, March 23, 2018

Measures for -(m)ay, Modified

A's an arch admiral: "Anchors aweigh!" 
B's Blue-foot Boobies b'yond Botany Bay.
C's the cute cove calling China 'Cathay.' 
D's a dress dummy dubb’d Daphne deLaye 
E edits Edna St. Vincent Millay. 
F's the fluke fat filling flounder filet.
G's Gorey's goatee gone gunmetal grey. 
H heralds Hallowmas hauntings. (Hearsay.)
I...? Is it Ireland's interr’d IRA...? 
J's just some junta: jerks 'jacking José.
K is a kaffir kid: KKK prey.
L is a love lyric. Last line...? "Lullay."
M is "Mid-morning..." by Manet Monet. 
N is a nickel. (Nets nada…? No way!
O's an odd ointment call’d "Oil of Ole!" 
P' is the piper poor peons must pay. 
Q is Quixote's inquisitive way.
R...? R is Roentgen. (Who re-named his ray…?) 
S is the Sphinx. (Speaks with Caesars, Shaw'd say.) 
T is a teapot: there’s two on Tante’s tray. 
U is the undead. (They're us. USA!
V...? V is‘void.' (For ‘avoid,’ add an ‘a.’ 
W’s Wizards. Will Wall walk away...? 
X...? X is'xebec.' (One 'x' but no 'k.') 
Y is a yacht. (Call’d a yawl yesterday.) 
Z is a zorse. (Zebu…? Zebra…? Zak...? May-...) 

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...