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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

"There's asses and bottoms. there's cans and there's duffs..." Fundamentals: An Abecedarial Nonsense in Rhyme

There's asses and bottoms. There's cans and there's duffs. 
There's ends and there's fannies. There's glutei max.
There's heinies; il botto. There's Junk in the trunk.
There's keisters. Les tooshe (that's how Frenchies say 'cracks'). 

There’s matakos and new moons. There's onions and poopers.
There's quailtails and rumps and there's seats (in the rear). 
There's a tuchus. Une breech. A va-voom and a whoopie cake.
(X, Y, Z? Wa-a-a-a-a-a-y too exotic, my dear.)

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