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Friday, April 20, 2018

"For op'ners, don't apologize! Whose fault is it? the other guy's..." GOP Midterm Campaign Decorum Checklist

For op’ners, don’t apologize! Whose fault is it? The other guy’s.
Don’t let ‘em see you break a sweat! It’s simply not that hot. (Not yet.)
Do not go leading with your chin! When last we checked, you planned to win.
Don’t ever let ‘em see you drool! "Eschew saliva!" is the rule.
Your comments on the elephant that stalks the room? Irrelevant.
Don’t let their fact redact your frame! Prevarication: that’s your game.
Refuse to let ‘em get your goat! Relax! Just grab ‘em by the throat.
Don’t let ‘em spot you hugging Nazis! Woods are ‘hoods for paparazzis.
Lastly, if you're racist, lewd, misogynistic, crooked, lewd,
a pederast who’s juiced on booze…but white male Christian? You can’t lose.

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