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Monday, April 23, 2018

Hercule Whatsisface Investigates: A Nonsense Alphabet

Cet homme’s succumb’d to chocolat du mal,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoaldDahl.
“That poor sod’s lost far more than just his hair,”
notes private eye Hercule PoiRobespierre.

“A Tory ball lopped off his left big toe,”
declares Ur-snoop Hercule PoiRochambeau.
“This lad’s been stabbed – by Bloom, the Irish mohel,”
claims CDI Hercule PoiRoddyDoyle.

“Both Mom and fetus: wasted…with a spade,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoevWade.
“The misfired pistol turned his features black,”
notes private eye Hercule PoiRoffignac.

“It’s ‘animation craze turned deadly habit,’”
declares Ur-snoop Hercule PoiRogerRabbit.
“The windmill snagged his locks. They proved too snarly,”
claims CDI Hercule PoiRohanMarley.

“The murder weapon? This: His Grace’s lance,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoideFrance.
“Murio d’un exceso d’inactivo,”
notes private eye Hercule PoiRojoVivo.

“She drown’d, caught in a freak torrential soaker,”
declares the famous snoop Hercule PoiRoker.
“Just like TV: he’s killed by blowgunn’d drones,”
claims CDI Hercule PoiRolinJones.

“’Twas by a kiss he died; that much we know,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRomeo.
“Can politics prove deadly? Ask Gahagan,”
Notes private eye Hercule PoiRonaldReagan.

“Look: bite marks from a rabid kangaroo,”
Declares Ur-snoop Hercule PoiRooandPooh.
“A full ten rounds? The poor mug couldn’t cope,”
Claims CDI Hercule PoiRopeaDope.

“They shot butyric acid in his knees,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoquefortCheese.
“She died from being quizzed (she tried her best),”
notes private eye Hercule PoiRorschachTest.

“This bloodied cross secured her execution,”
declares Ur-snoop Hercule PoiRosicrucian.
“Flesh? Torn to shreds! His corpse bears not a stitch,”
claims CDI Hercule PoiRottweilBitch.

“Some Chinese dim sum dealt the final blow,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoujiamo.
These books build character. That book destroys,”
notes private eye Hercule PoiRoverBoys.

“Alas! She never made it ‘cross the moat,”
declares the snoop Hercule PoiRowYerBoat.
“She perished while auditioning the part,”
caims CDI Hercule PoiRoxieHart. 

“In this, our gray-scale world, she could not live,”
states Christie sleuth Hercule PoiRoyGBiv.
“He died of cancer. Death you just can’t cheat,”
sums up Hercule PoiRozzelle (call him ‘Pete’).

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