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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Hommage a Domino or Fats's Friends Don't Fast (A Nonsense ABC)

October the twenty fifth, year of Our Lord

sev’ral thousand and seventeen: Fats’s closed chord.

Still, though Fats be defunct now, long-lived be his heirs,

all choice chanteurs whose chassis approximate pears…

and whose surnames – i.e., the last halves of their names –

bear resemblance to some of my favorite games.

Note that many, as Fats did, pianofortes play.

Hey! Let’s hear ‘em before they get carried away:

AmpleAss Agon drips cream on the keys.

Backgammon Beefcake’s a black Deluise.

Check Chubby Checker! He lists as he twists.

Dumpy Dice comps with pluponderous wrists.

Enormity Euchre rolls Porky Pig eyes.

And who’s “Fatso” Faro? Just two of the guys. 

Gargantua Go belts his blues from a barrel.

Hefty Hearts hollers “More pie!” (At his peril.)

Inflated I Spy? Too much glut ‘round that gut!

Jumbo Jacks: wears he a fat suit or what?

Korpulent Keno? No, he’s no Jack Spratt.

“Lard” Ludo performs in E flat, for “he’s fat.”

Meaty Mahjong’s more than pleasingly plump.

No-lean Nintendo’s “no pork pie, all rump.”

Overstuffed Ouija’s a doughboy-in-training.

Pudgy Parcheesi’s obese…and still gaining.

Q. “Flabby” Qwirkel performs at a fat camp.

Rolypole Risk says, “I’d circumvent that camp.” 

SwollenCheeks Scrabble’s one oversize swinger.

TrebleTon Trivia? Arbuckle ringer.

Unskinny Uno’s like (you know) a whale.

Voluminous Vinci just busted his scale.

Wellpadded Whist sings the blues about lipo.

XtraPounds X-COM… (No, that’s not a typo.)

“Yer-too-fat” Yahtzee’s one corpulent cove.

Zaftig Z. Zingo’s a potbellied stove.

Piano men/singers? Still oodles, all fat.

But their R&B repertoire? That’s where it’s at.

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...