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Saturday, April 28, 2018

"Days of Xmas" Pageant Winners

In tenth place...? Piper Spighpin. Just to enter’s been her prayer.
In ninth place...? Lady Stanzing. She’s got something on the mayor.
In eighth place...? Mae d’Zamilkin. Mae's placed ninth the last nine years.
In seventh place...? Those Swanzas women. (Just ignore the jeers!)
In sixth place...? Keysha Layan. Keysha’s such a pretty girl!
In fifth place...? Golde Rinx. She vowed she’d “give the thing a whirl.”
In fourth...? Cal (“Inga”) Bertz: “To be a nominee’s enough,”
remark’d Ms. Bertz. In third...? Fran Chence, who's seen competing in the buff.
In second place...? Ms. Tyrtle Duffs. And now, the env’lope, please…
'Tis Anna Paard! Regina Paertrie! Tied! Your Xmas VIPs!*
     * Victors-In-Pageant

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