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Saturday, April 21, 2018

"There's this guy, do or die, Bernie Sanders..." Three Exquisite Limericks

A    A    B

A    A    B

C    C

C    C

(A)  A    B

There’s this guy, do or die, Bernie Sanders.
Pumpkin pie, ham on rye, Peter panders.
Merwyn Peake, so to speak.
Wednesday week, hide-‘n’-seek.
Please stand by, eye for eye, geese or ganders.

Lived this man, cheek of tan, Don DeLillo.
Spic and Span, Ku Klux Klan, cigarillo.
Come to grief, twelve-mile reef.
Are you “deef”? Where’s the beef?
Or (to pan the Qur’an): “Armadillo!”


‘Twas this bloke, country folk, Raul Julia.
Pig-in-poke, Roanoke. (Would I fool ya?)
Over there, share 'n' share. 
Truth or dare, braid the hair.
Take a toke, have a soak, hallelujah!

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