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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

666 or The Numbers of the Constrained Beast

Zero to 666 mph* in 6.66 seconds:
the AAR (Auto Acceleration Rate)
of the Beast. 
     * 1077 km/h

the Gentile Goyim Goyl 
of the Beast.

66.6% abv:
the Brewmeister Beerelzebub's Boast
of the Beast.

"Six-sixty-six skidoo!":
the BeelzeBum's Rush
of the Beast.

the Oulipoetical Transliteration Technique Whereby Each Noun in the Biblical Book of the Apocalypse Is Replaced with the 666th Noun Following It in Webster's New International Dictionary (Third Edition)
of the Beast.

"666 bottles of beer on the wall, 666 bottles of beer...":
the "Binge-Till-Yer-BeelzeBlotto" Stein Song
of the Beast. 

"Sykes Sics Sheiks":
the “Stix Nix Hix Pix’-Type Tabloid Headline Featuring Story Concerning Rabid Wanda Sinking Bared Canines into Several Members of Saudi Royal Family
of the Beast. 

The 0.666%*:
the Percentage of population claiming membership in “Billionaires For The Beast”
of the Beast. 
     * They control 66.6% of the nation's wealth  

"Sixty-six days hath September...":
the Calendrical Mnemonic Rhyme Opening Line 
of the Beast.* 
      * "Sixty-six days hath September.
Six times six: Mar through November.
Jan and Feb hold none (not seven). 
Days in Dec? We're told, "Eleven!"
Leap year starts from scratch, by heaven: 
then, Sept's days are sixty-seven!" 

the Chocolate-Covered-Nougat-and-Peanuts BeelzeBar
of the Beast. 

"Sixty-six men on a sick man's chest...":
the Pirate Sea Shanty
of the Beast. 

Fahrenheit 666:
the Combustion Temperature of Brimstone
of the Beast.

"Leaflets six-six-six? Touch not with ten-foot sticks!":
the Cautionary Mnemonic Identifying Devilishly Toxic Poison Ivies
of the Beast.

"Sucks! Sucks! Sucks!":
every Rush Limbaugh Broadcast
of the Beast.

666 Dalmatians:
the Diabolical Disney Derivative Dog Dramady
of the Beast.

Spooks! Spooks! Spooks!:
the Ghostbusters Cinematic Homage
of the Beast. 

"Spicks! Spicks! Spicks!":
the Illegal Immigration Insult (Rush again) 
of the Beast.

the Aborted NASA Shuttle-Launch Liftoff Countdown Sequence
of the Beast.

"Shake! Shake! Shake!":
the Jerry Lee Lewis Look-Alike Contest Lyric
of the Beast.

"The 666 Horsemen of the Apocalypse":
the Military-Industrial Complex
of the Beast.

the Menage a Trois Depravoglyph
of the Beast.

"Sing a song of 66 pence, pockets full of rye;
6 and 60 blackbirds baked (still breathing) in a pie...":
the Rhyming Recitation Recipe for Satan's Souffle Surprise
of the Beast.

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