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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Book of Uncommon Prayers: A Constrained Communion

          I. A Prayer to Vengeful Virgins

Hail, Mary, full of grace, 
who'd nail canary, bull or dace* 
with "c'est la guerre!"s and sprays of mace.
     * A small European freshwater fish.

          II. The Terse Trinitarian's Prayer

Pater noster Qui es in coelis:
You know I've no clew where Your Jew's holy grail is.
C'mon, Holy Ghost*: give a hint! Please, don't fail us! 
     * A vernacular riff on 'Veni Sancte Spiritus,' Catholic liturgy's so-called Golden Sequence.

          III. Vespers for Virtual Victims

Now I lay me down to sleep. 
You’ll get more than a frown if I hear one more peep:
Do not make me come in there, you [BLEEP] little [BLEEP]!

         IV. The Grace of the Grateful Giftee

Bless us O Lord and these, Thy gifts:
first, the car (a new Ford!); second, Jonathan Swift's
"On a Very Old Glass"; third, your used pair of lifts...*
     * Hitchens was right:  the Diety used to be taller -- much, much taller.

          V. This I Believe: a Congressional Credo

I believe in God the Father Almighty
(though I vote Progressive while He's quite the righty:
pro-guns, anti-gays -- and so very uptight, He...)

          VI. An Orison to Overzealous Ministering Spirits

Angel of God, my guardian dear:
when it comes to companions, I've known not your peer.
Nonetheless, take a powder: my folks think I’m queer.

           VII. An Appeal for Imprisoned Androids 

May the road rise up to meet you
(though you're jailed, with R2D2
and C3PO -- in situ).

          VIII. A Litany for Lost Wallets

God grant me some serenity,
if, buying some amenity,
I misplace my identity!

          IX. A Gnosher's Plea

The Lord is my Shepherd: I shall not want
for no tiramisu nor no almond croissant --
nor no artisan cheeses from Cabot, Vermont.

          X. A Supplication of the Sceptic 

Jesus loves me -- yeah, I know.
And so does last Stooge Curly Joe
and Marilyn Monroe, yes? No.

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...