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Friday, June 29, 2018

"You will find that algae hides your buggy..." A Baker's Dozen "On Approval" Outtakes for Your Approval: A Constrained Nonsense Alphabet in Rhyme

“You will find the dinghy by the jetty.” 
                  – Bea Lillie in On Approval from1944

“You will find that Algae hides your Buggy.”
“Do you mind that Cugie’s dyed your Doggie?”
“In a bind, Bea’s* Edgy, never Foggy.”
“She’s not dined. Still, Googie* hates her Hoagie.”
“Lowell's kinda Itchy. (He's a Junkie.)”
“Sue's behind -- and Kitty, too, looks Logy.”
“She’ll get fined if Maggie puts out Nookie.”
“Foodies find her Orgies use Pierogies.”
“Horacio signed ‘Quiroga,’ – not ‘Quirogi.’”
“They’re not blind: sane Ranis spurn the Suttee.”
“He’s behind; he’s Tardy (Uncle Urbie).
“Film fans find Clive* “Veddy, veddy Witty.’”
“Unassigned: X or Z…(Yaddi-yaddi…)”

      * Bea Lillie, Googie Withers and Clive Brook 
all appeared in the cinema classic On Approval
Other individuals mentioned here – Kitty Carlisle, 
Xavier Cugat, Margaret Thatcher, Horacio Quiroga 
and my Aunt Tillie Sprawl’s former husband Urban – 
merely attended a screening of the film.

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