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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Once the world was but fire or earth, water or air..." E Equals... or Physics Schmysics!

Once the world was but fire or earth, water or air.
'Twas when He was Head Honcho. Dissenters were rare.
Then a diff’rent reality Albert E. bared:
it seems e equals m times the speed of light squared.

Cast your mind back to Einstein, of mad-as-March hair.
To eschew Albert’s “view of the u”? Who dared dare?
Yet some did disagree: I, for one, bellowed, “Merde!
Are you kiddin’ me? Energy’s m times c squared”?

What else? Dark matter? Black holes? Quarks everywhichwhere?
Leapin’ leptons? Bad bosons? Far fruitier fare? 
My Old Testament cosmos can ne’er be repaired –
not when energy’s mass times the speed of light squared.

Other cosmoi in parallel? Damn’d if I care!
Does my clock slow the faster I go? C’est la guerre!
I’d prefer Al’d not shared. I’d much rather be spared
each new round that compounds “E be (zounds!) mc²”

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