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Friday, June 22, 2018

"Who's busy dropping aitches? Some horse revealing raches?" Rarely Rhymes: Constrained Nonsense

I 'Rachel Maddow' Rhymes with ‘Aitches’

Who's busy dropping aitches...? 
Some horse revealing raches...?*
Some cow concealing naches...?**
No: Maddow (i.e., "Rache") is!***
     * A streak on the beak
    ** A bump on the rump 
    *** Rachel did study at Oxford.

II 'Michael Pollan' Rhymes with ‘Arugula’

That's rich – buying rhymes for 'arugula.'
Mr. Pollan’s both lavish and frugal, huh...?

III 'Sancho and the Don' Rhymes with ‘Purple’

I'm quizzing Quixote, "What rhymes, Don, with 'purple'...?"
When suddenly Sancho, astride Dapple's curple,*
opines, "Don’t ask Don: his brain's halt; he'll but hirple.**
Adds Don: "Pace, Panza, or suffer my nurple!"***

     * The hindquarters of a horse or, in this case, 
a very gentle donkey. 
     ** To walk with a limp; to drag a limb; to hobble 
     *** A portmanteau of 'purple' and 'nipple' 
(Clearly the Don is a bully.)

IV 'Faegheh Atashin' Rhymes with ‘Woman’

Googoosh: you're rife with rhymes for 'woman' -- 
you who weighs your wage in toman.*
     * Iranian singer Ms Atashin, aka Googoosh, 
surely remembers the toman, a Persian gold coin.

V 'William Inge' Rhymes with ‘Orange’

Say it once more, Inge:
"There are rhymes for 'orange.'"*

     * One is 'Blorenge,' referring to a hill 
in southeast Wales.

VI 'Sir William Walton' Rhymes with ‘Silver’

You'll search – oh, yes, you will -- fer
more words to rhyme with 'silver.' *

     * There is, of course, 'chilver,' referring 
to a ewe lamb.

VII 'A. A. Milne and Winnie the Pooh' Rhymes with ‘Kiln’

I can find no rhymes for 'kiln.'*
Does your bear know any, Milne...?
     * If 'kiln' is pronounced with the 'n' silent, 
a partially similar versified query can be addressed 
to young Till Eulenspiegel of musical merry pranks fame:
"Does Herr Straus know any, Till...?" 

VIII 'Tom Brokaw' Rhymes with ‘Plankton’

He who'd find a rhyme for 'plankton'
quizzes Brokaw, bloke from Yankton.

IX 'Genesis’s Noah' Rhymes with ‘Midst’

Pair the rhymeless word 'midst'...?
Surely, Noah, thou didst. 

X 'Robert Moog aka Rob the Builder' Rhymes with 'Plinth' 

Do you need a rhyme for 'plinth'...?
Rob will build one...on his synth.

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