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Sunday, July 29, 2018

"As I went driving toward St. Ives..." A Roud Riddle Revisited, Revamped and Rerhymed

The Roud Folk Song Index number for the abbreviated version of the riddle appearing below is 19,772, suggesting that this expanded version ought perhaps to be numbered 19,772.1. Please amend your personal Roud list accordingly. As regards the numerical problem the riddle poses, recall that 'spouse' may refer to an individual of either sex.  

As I went driving toward St. Ives
(a cleric there of crimes me shrives), 
I spied a guy with seven wives
and ponder'd what a Hausfrau drives:

each “better half” held seven hives,
each hive divided -- using knives,
each bride had sliced ‘em into fives --
breach'd bees sent fleeing for their lives,

each executing seven dives
(thus spook’d, an insect stoutly strives:
'tis how a threaten’d hive survives
and, through such parlous stages, thrives),

each dive a writhe of seven jives,
each libre from confining gyves.
Enumerating gyves and jives 
and dives and lives and hives in fives 

and knives and drives (though zero glaives) 
plus just one guy but seven wives,
each spouse a reek of leeks and chives:
how many travel'd toward St. Ives? 

An approach to the solution of the riddle: 
49 hives (seven held by each of seven wives), each divided into five parts, yields 245 fractional hives. If each fraction holds, say, seven bees and each bee performs seven dives, each dive consisting of seven jives, there are produced 343 jives. 343 jives performed in each of 245 fractional hives yields 84,035 total jives -- all without gyves, not to mention glaives. Adding all the wives, hives, dives and jives to the single guy referenced results in 84,036 total elements -- though, of course, none of them are on their way toward St. Ives. 

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