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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Split Bananagraffe on O U L I P O

Who sings this song? Not Lupe Lu, who dump’d a Righteous Brother, nu...?
Nor is it China’s bard Li Po. Of Li...? But "leetle" one can know.
Perhaps it’s Hamlin’s Alley Oop. (Do cavemen sing...? I'm sure they poop.)
It’s not stigmata’d Padre Pio, seen -- in sync! -- 'round Rome and Rio.
Can Olive Oyl (it ain't spelt ‘Oil’) who’s Swee-Pea’s “mum” and Popeye’s “goil,”
emit one note from either lip...? Or is Oyl just a comic strip...?

Perhaps it’s Edith Piaf. Oui. The Little Sparrow’s bel esprit...?
Quite perfect – present-, past- and plu-. (Would Edith P appeal to you...?)
Some Galilean moon -- say, Io (not Nebraska, not Ohio).
Might it be the source, ask I...? Does song descend from up that high...?
I must admit that Io’s up. But is it too far up there...? Yup!
(My Poetry Potential Pool is quickly drying up. Uncool!

Bud Abbott has a buddy Lou. Is singing something Lou could do...?
(Who doesn’t sing when in the loo...? You do it. Yeah, I do it, too.)
This verse’s end I’m set to lop. Somewhere, such nonsense has to stop.
I’m peckish, too. A dab of poi would hit the spot. Char sui...? Oh, boy!
Who sings this… Wait! I sense a loop. Repeat...? That low I’ll never stoop.
‘Twould vex my pals from Oulipo. They'd malmouth me 'cross Mexico.

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