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Monday, February 11, 2019

The Arts of Letters (Incomplete)

To the art of A's apartheid art 
add Herge's Alph-Art’s* faulty start. 
Each agitates the applecart
     * Tintin's final adventure remained
incomplete at Herge's death. 

The letter B boasts Bogart's art
Bart Simpson's, Beaux-‘ and Bonaparte's. 
Regard 'em partly braggarts' art.  

The arts of C be arts of charts. 
C's art appears at Nimes and Chartres.  
Corot owns stock in Cuisineart.  

Shiv-sharpen'd darts draw D's deft arts: 
D'Artagnan throws 'em, then departs.  
Asks arch Cartesian R. Descarte: 
"DArtful Dodgers dare take part?"  

Each E enjoys its eBART art
while F, through “artch'ry,”  hurls a fart,
the farther 'part, the finer th'art. 

The art of G? ‘Tis go-kart art,
though some's kick-started by Moss Hart
The art of H? Its art's all heart.

The art of I, in fits 'n' starts, 
imparts, much like that smart-ass Bart,*
an artlessness into its art
     * Cf verse two above. 

The art of J employs the jart.
No further arts shall I impart,
nor can I stay: I must depart.

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