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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Frag Rags Constrain'd With Codons and Without Clinamina

My tricot-knit-
ted lab coats sit
in stacks of six-
ty four --
crochet'd in 9
BC, define,
they do, how less
is more.

‘Tis time, Big Mac:
define exac-
tly what’s in back
of ‘pure.’
ble cause results
in bad effect -- 
that's sure.)

Her songs she’s left
in standard clef -- 
G, F…more oft-
en C.
“Tonight,” she boasts,
“I’ll frighten ghosts,
if ghosts there real-
ly be.”

My pencil sketch-
es baksheesh fetch,
though ink's preferr’d
by many.
Sell hot pants? Not
New Delhi…? Jodh-
pur dealers won’t
vend any.)

“Is she a fake?”
they howl. “Si! J.
K. Rowling’s not
her name.”
‘Tain’t no mirage:
at home, she’s ‘Taj’;
her game.

Though Royal Dutch,
the common touch
is “air’d” by K
Each flight’s quite calm –
no “flying bomb.”
(I love to fly
with them.)

Try kosher Spam –
no pork, no ham.
Delish? You bet
your glans!
No ham! No pork!
Just grab yo' fork!
(It comes in one-
pound cans.)

Quranic scho-
lar 'Rani’s hol-
ler: “Stop! Q’ran’s in-
That ‘u’ you drop 
'Q' ruins. Stop! 
You can't 'u's lop

And have you heard
this Scrabble word:
‘suq’? (‘R’s in it? 
Hell, no!)
Still, rules there are.
One (best by far):
Stick, nerds, with words

The Duke of York’s
odd love for storks
makes clear: the dork’s
turn’d queer.
Still, storks in si-
tu voted three
to one to shun
the dear.

This plea’s for you,
detailer. My
A peacock-blue
x-rated dec-

Nobody owns
sitars with drones.
Now, xylophones
are trendy.
Who knows what’s next!
Perhaps a sex-
y zither’s mode

Some jazz is Thai
(I can’t think why).
Zaire sports jazz
And Paris has
its Hot Le Jazz.
(These rhymes? Pizzazz-
y, too.) 

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...