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Friday, August 23, 2019


Alejandro and Alvino Rey – 
be they not Reys…?
Also, Aldo Ray and Alan Mobray:
ain't they Rays…?

Braided B'yonce's braying
backs bourées. (Be 'rées' not ‘ray’...?)
Blacken’d blues be belted hues 
brought off by grey’d blade Brother Ray.

Charo's charr’d: charcoal-corroded.
Robert Cray's Crayola-coated.
Cool-J's choler’s color-coded,
'splay’d by cathode rays.

Desdemona’s dreaming, doe-eyed.
(Dewy-…? Yes, though often "sloe-eyed.")
Slinging (slanging) ‘dhese ‘n’ dhose’…?
A dozing Desiree.

Earl ents with silver’d tray.
(Served…? Hot cross buns and cold Earl Grey.)
Fauré's five fingers flail;
four, fin'lly, fail, forthwith, to play. 

Sing, singers! Sing solfege, we pray:
re-re-mi-re...? ("...mi-re"'s not 'ray'...?)

Gram's gamma rays, as they decay,
turn Gram's beret Marengol grey. 
Herr Hitler's home; Herr's here to stay.
(Herr's hit the hay…? Hip! Hip hoo-ray!)

In love I be, with Ina Ray.*
In re, I say: "Into the fray!"
I join John Ray and Jules Maigret
in jamboree (not jamboraye)!
     * Ms. Hutton was born Odessa Cowan.
Even so...

Kol Nidrei calls for gnosh outré: 
McKippers!* (Kroc's the fast-fare Ray.)
Let eel (lamprey), with seal -- (say) grey…?  
beside us kneel. Now: Let us pray! 
     * Ideal for Yom Kippur (aka Yum! Kippers)

'Ray's…? Manta ray, Man Ray's moray,
Marin Marais and Martha Raye,
Nanette Fabray and Nadia Gray,
plus Rayner (Ray)* and Marvel Ray.**
     * Chicago kids' TV staple.    
     ** Ina Ray's mother -- cf above.

Omar works or prays: no play. 
His life’s "orar' et labore."
(Oh-oh: he's "Om-m-m-m-m"'d his day away.)
"Phil Harmony is Paul Paray," 
prates Paul's 'paraymate' M. Dupre.*
     * Organist and childhood pal of Paray's.

Quaere verum -- seek what's vrai!
(It's quickly queue or quit the fray!) 
Rachel Ray's not Robert Cray. 
(Is Rainer Rilke Cray…? No way!)

Sugar Ray, with Spalding Gray,
San-Luis-Rey-way stray'd one day.
'Tis too tres tres, that tea-tray trey:
try trading two. (Then, traipse away.)

UV (ultravi'let) rays
from Uranus upset my days.
Van Gogh voudrait to vault (oy, vay!)  
from Vezelay to Vau. (C'est vrai!)

No! Wardell Gray is not Faye Wray: 
Wray's wigwam's waxing warmer, eh...?

X-ray's Charles G. Barcla*…? 
Famed for forays in re: rays!
(Whereas Chuck Barkley, reigning as Sir Charles…?
He's famed for_____ -- has been for days!)
     * Brit C. G. Barcla won the '17 Nobel in Physics
for work in x-ray spectroscopy.

Delay your visit to Ypres. 
You're young yet. Pray: you'll yield one day.
Meanwhile, Z. Ray Wakeman may 
pull stunts in films...or so they* say.  
     * 'They,' in this case, being the folks –
several named Ray, it's safe to say -- who amass
and post content for Google’s search engine.

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