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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Plays' 'For' Plays or A Stupundous ABBBCedarian's Delight -- from PlaysWellWithLetters

A's 'For A Faceful of Dolors.' 
Ad interim, B is ‘for Beto for verse.’
C...? C's ‘for cryin' -- nowt loud nor nowt terse.’
Meantime, D’s 'for Drumpf's fo(u)r-door'd Ford hearse.' 

E is ‘for "End Sick Pathology!"’
And, for now, F's 'fo(u)r fifths gin, fo(u)r fifths Jello.' 
G...? G's ‘forgetting that Carmelo's* yellow 
(for Herr J's** a jolly good fellow!).’

I's 'For it's one, two and three strikes: your routed!' 
while J is 'for Jon's son, the playwright.'
K forklifts forks from the road (makes 'em lay right),' 
and L is ‘for love lost in daylight.’

M is ‘for me, my RC ‘n’ my gal.’
N's ‘for nuns: they are none of the'bove.’ 
O...? O's ‘for once in your life lettuce love.’
Meanwhile, P's ‘for Pete's sake, Guv, don't shove!’

Q is 'For Queen 'n' for Qountry!' 
R is 'for "Rent, sailor! Lease!"'
S is ‘For such is the King Dome of heaven.’*** 
(Shh-h-h-h! T's 'for the secret police.') 

U is ‘For unto us chill'd wrens are born.’
V is 'for very low cost.' 
W's 'For Whom the Bell Tolls. ('Tain't for Frost.)' 
X is 'for Xenofrost, gloss’d.'

Y...? Y's ‘for your ice, a loan.’
Whereas Z is 'Del (Forza) Destino.'
(& is 'for ampersand, naturellino…'
and my last denoumentarino.) 

     * NBA all stars Carmelo Anthony and Julius 

Erving are referenced with Dr. J, misidentified 
here as Herr J  -- see footnote below. 
    ** Not to be confused with Tintin's father 
Herge but referring instead to the personage 
encountered in the stanza following
       *** Some critics note a failure of form here, 
while the author considers it the clinamen that 
proves it's cool.

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